"A person doesn't need big things to be happy"

" It is the feeling of being the luckiest person and it may come to you in any form you want".

It may be accomplishing your dreams, going for a vacation, having new clothes, spending a quality time with your family, having fun with your friends, waking up early in the morning, following a healthy diet, waiting for the cheat day, listening to your favorite song or just enjoying beautiful weather watching trees, birds, flowers or anything you feel doing.


It's not that you every time need someone to be happy. You can be happy alone. Starting a healthy habit actually contributes a lot to your happiness and of course to your health. It's never too late to start anything which makes you better. Of course, it's difficult but it's not impossible. Trying new things may pain you a little but your everyday practicing makes you better increasing your level of happiness day by day. A healthy lifestyle doesn't only include healthy diet and exercise but also miscellaneous things like keeping your room clean, reading books, helping your mother in the kitchen. Happiness starts with all these little things and can give you the biggest of pleasures.

"Someone is happy alone and some are not happy even in a crowd of people around them".


"Happiness doesn't need perfection".

A happy person may not be perfect and a perfect person may not be happy. Happiness doesn't mean completing all the tasks timely and becoming the best, it can be a happy moment for many but others may be the just struggling with that perfection. You need to be happy about what you started doing positively and not be sad about not doing it perfectly. Perfection comes with time but happiness is instant. Happiness finds it's own way. You have to just wait for it patiently.


Defining your goal for a happy and healthy life is very important. If you don't have a specific aim in your life, you won't be able to be happy for a long time. Once defined a goal, working hard for it to achieve and getting success step by step, increases your confidence and thus is the cause of your happiness each time.


Apart from the works mandatory to all, you should take out time for yourself at least once a day. In that time you can do things you love to do like painting, writing, talking with your friends, walking outside, playing music, dance, watching your favorite TV show or something that makes you happy.


Sometimes, ignoring the negative things can actually make you happy or at least will definitely not make you sad. Ignore negative thoughts and negative people and concentrate on your goals and live small moments as well without any thoughts of what other people will think.


Sometimes being crazy is not bad and it actually makes you laugh, feel happy and you forget about your busy life at least for a couple of hours. Ensuring your happiness in small things is what life gives, every chance of grasping happiness in every moment.

You can't be happy when your closest ones are not. You should try to make your closest ones happy to ensure your happiness. Nothing should be done which gives your parents doesn't expect from you but if you are right then you can definitely make them understand your point of view.

"Happiness has also been said to relate to life satisfaction, appreciation of life, moments of pleasure, but overall it has to do with the positive experience of emotions".

"Don't underestimate your power to be happy".



Profile of Ud
Ud  •  5y  •  Reply
great article!!
Profile of Harshita Garg
Harshita Garg   •  5y  •  Reply
Thnks @Nitin Tyagi
Profile of Nitin Tyagi
Nitin Tyagi  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Harshita Garg
Harshita Garg   •  5y  •  Reply
Thanks @Deepanshu sabharwal
Profile of Deepanshu Sabharwal
Deepanshu Sabharwal  •  5y  •  Reply