Nesamani And Marketing Strategy

Jun 07, 2019   •  6 views

Many are thinking Nesamani is a person. Let me give you a clear picture. Nesamani is a character came on the movie just like Tony Stark on MCU but this Nesamani came on Tamil Movie Name Friends released at 2001.

Tamilians are so obsessed with movies if we like that celebrity we used to celebrate him in that list Vadivelu entered even though he paused his acting for few years still he rules in our daily life. The dialogues and body language are mixed in our life.

On 27th May a Pakistan Engineering based facebook page shared a Hammer picture and asked for its name on other countries. There comes our Hero Entry a Tamil guy just portrayed the scene came on Friends Movie, many of them thought Nesamani is really injured and struggling for his life this is how the #PrayforNesamani born. Our Meme creators got a nice snack, used this concept to troll all politicians starting from Admk to BJP

So a guy starts with what it is called in TamilNadu (suthiyal) and how Krishnamurthy dropped it accidentally on Nesamani’s head. Remember, it was totally random, but someone tried to play along by asking what was Nesamani’s condition right now and that is where it began.

The scene portrays how he struggles to get the work done from his nephew and two of his friends, who are the aforementioned apprentices. While he instructs them about the work, his niece, krishnamurthy, who is busy with removing the un-necessary nails with hammer, slips and drops the hammer, which falls straight on Nesamani’s head.

It all started with something very random and it has become so popular over the night. Right now, with more than 9.4k tweets, the hashtag Pray_for_Nesamani is trending at the top.

Times Of India has written an article about how the hashtag is trending all over.
This explains the power of social media. Our generation has the power to make somethingtrend to a large extent. This might be a boon or bane depending on how we use it . Think about it

Meme creators want concepts, people want entertainment, MNCs want to promote their products majorly south some people want to provoke against Modi. All these people joined together and made #PrayforNesamani number 1 trending. In this hashtag learned more about Marketing, see the positive things are get entertained not against anyone purposefully created as a troll but it overtakes #Modisarkar2

So at last many of the corporate companies used this oppurtunity to market their products to public through Nesamani.

