Feminism to me, is knowing that a woman is beyond her body. It means to treat her as a human rather than as a woman. In an ideal feminist society, a woman wouldn’t have to think twice before getting her breast/vagina examined by a male gynecologist, something as essential as a bra or underpants wouldn’t be sexualised but would be seen as just clothes, a movie with a predominantly female cast would be just another movie and not be categorized as a “women-centric” film, a person would be respected for their character rather than their gender, no adult would be given any special treatment for not having a few extra inches of flesh dangling between the legs.
Feminism is when a person’s lifestyle and choices are not confined within the limits of their body. When humanity is at the core of a person’s thought process and all other ideologies are built around it
A feminist can be a male or a female, anyone who asks for equal rights can be called a feminist.
Let me take an example of travelling in a bus.
Situation 1: The bus is crowded and has separate reservation for ladies. Some young guy is sitting in the bus and a girl boards in and ask him to leave the seat because it is reserved for ladies. In this situation nothing is related to FEMINISM or TAKING ADVANTAGE OF HER GENDER, it is completely her right to ask for it.
Situation 2: In place of a young energetic male, if there is a old person very weak and cannot stand and it is clearly visible. A girl boards into the bus and asks him to leave the seat just because it is reserved for ladies. In this situation she is TAKING THE ADVANTAGE OF HER GENDER. If the girl is a true FEMINIST then she would act according to the situation and let him sit. (Here i’m not considering other passengers, it is just between the lady and the old man, don’t bring in the situation that some other guy could give old man the seat. Yes, of course that could happen).
Situation 3: A bus filled with only ladies. All the seats are completely occupied. And then a male gets into the bus and has a leg fracture. In this situation there could be two possibilities:
i. He asks for a seat because he cannot stand for longer time, a TRUE FEMINIST would understand his situation and leave him a place because she believes in equality, whether it is a male or a female, a fracture is a fracture.
ii. He asks for a seat but the women denies to leave him a seat. Points to consider (imaginary) she is young, she is energetic, and she can easily stand and travel, even then she denies just because SHE IS A FEMALE AND SHE HAS EVERY RIGHT TO SIT EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT RESERVED FOR LADIES. This is not FEMINISM, this is TAKING ADVANTAGE OF YOUR GENDER.
Situation 4:A bus is completely filled with male and all the seats are occupied. THE BUS DOESN’T HAVE RESERVATION FOR LADIES (hypothetical situation). A girl board in and notices that it is full, again there there could be two possibilities:
i. She is all tired and is not capable to travel standing. In this situation anyone can ask for a seat as they are very tired and are not able to stand. THERE IS NO SITUATION OF FEMINISM OR TAKING GENDER ADVANTAGE. Every human gets tired, anyone can ask for a seat in this situation.
ii. She is NOT AT ALL TIRED and she is capable to travel standing. But she doesn’t want to stand and straight away picks up fight with the passenger to give her the seat JUST BECAUSE SHE IS A FEMALE, THIS IS NOT FEMINISM, THIS IS TAKING ADVANTAGE OF GENDER. A true feminist believes in first come first serve and waits till the person gets off the next bus stop or someone gives her a seat. That is FEMINISM, believing in equality.
So feminism is just considering women equal to men not in physical strength but as a person.