The past few weeks I have been feeling one constant emotion and that is home sickness . Homesickness can be an horrible feeling for people who travel away from their home town, country and have to stay seprately. Its generally described as a feeling of longing after being away from home from your close circle of friends and family .Some people are easily adaptable to surroundings while some cannot .

Different people cope with homesickness in different ways. Some call back home and talk to loved ones for hours . It gives them a feeling of belongingness. This may be a good idea for you to feel that you are not alone. Its a nice reminder that people back home are there and looking out for you . However, it can make the homesickness worse. By talking to people from home it can make you miss them more! It can make miss home even more. For this same reason, some people prefer not calling back home so that they habitual of their environment .The best way to deal with it is by distracting yourself with fun activities in the place youre staying at the time. Everyday Reminding yourself of the positive aspects and the sole reason for your being there of where you are can make you see the bigger picture; that home is great, but where I am right now is also great for multiple reasons!

In German there exists a concept which is quite opposite to homesickness and that is ‘Fernweh’. This means the feeling of wanting to travel and get away and see new places, as opposed to homesickness and the feeling of wanting to go home. In English we would describe this idea of ‘Fernweh’ as having ‘itchy feet’ – a funny metaphor for describing the want to travel, explore and by doing so feed the want to get away, or relieve that itch!



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