Every day falls different from the other, some are yielding, some aren't, some favor while others end into disappointments. Hence, sugar and roses are true with exceptions as days can be both dark and dull. Rejections are the most common emotional trauma one falls prey to on a daily basis. When the spouse leaves, friends rebuff or getting ostracized by family, all have a traumatizing effect on one’s mental health. Moreover, marginalization by society for lifestyle choices is paralyzing too.

Once someone gets rejected he passively says, ‘I was rejected', which makes him think and act passively. It is physiologically heartbreaking for the bearer and he becomes extremely sensitive to the fears of being disregarded. Also, it plants low tolerance to self-criticism making him question himself that how come he got wrong. Rejection may not be personal but he starts taking all on his personal ground and finds hard fitting in. Here, none acceptance of what has been offered to someone doesn’t mean the offering has got a deficiency rather it may not be overwhelming to some while others may find it wholesome.

One needs to revive his self-worth when rejected on any ground. Wholehearted charity isn't always appreciated by all. So, he has to be extremely selective about putting his efforts on people who cross his path. Realizing not all parts deserve equal serving, efforts must be saved for those who value it. This differentiation in effort distribution backs self-worth and solidity.

Getting abandoned doesn’t mean someone isn’t worthy, rather he must look for social connections which bring the fine out of him helping him grow well. At times, he has to evolve to fit in and if it seems like a positive evolution then growing for the self good has got no harm in it.

Rejections aren’t always easy to cope with no matter if they are minor or major. This emotional trauma affects the brain making it respond exactly like the way it behaves in physical pain. Being rejected at any significant end seeds loneliness, sadness, grief, shame, and depression. Moreover, long term rejection leaves a grave and lasting impact on the psychological health of the bearer. Trauma caused by it plants chronic fear of being left out leading to stress, anxiety, and self-harming tendencies causing one’s intellect cripple and is likely to affect his future relationships as well. Rejections subside self-esteem, lowering the risk-taking drift as the thought of not trying sets in. This hampers the growth and success of the diseased making him settle for what he gets instead of trying to get what he actually deserves.

As no one is immune to rejections and hasn’t been good at dealing with losses, it’s better to dust off and start afresh because the damage is more of self-inflicted than caused by the surroundings.

Therefore, rejections aren’t that hurtful once you know its consequences are controllable too.

