Dear Younger Self, If I Could Tell You Something

Dangi Priya
May 24, 2019   •  28 views

Turning the pages of the past make us realize how far we have walked chasing our way. The journey never stops but there lies the lot where we would like to walk past and undo things into something different. Regrets are ill spells from the past pages. They do make us sad, disappointed, and disregarded but the most toxic stir is guilt. It constantly makes someone past bound not in a sensible way instead feeds the one with the questionnaire and answers that can’t be practically applied. Moreover, it keeps the one far off from the present clinched to the remote past.

Self-Talk is a way to discover all the indwelling thoughts. No matter how things are or they had been, this ensures building healthy relationships with the self. Self-analysis helps to keep records of mistakes and prevents not bumping into them again. There are things that couldn’t fit in the past and of course, there had been a reason or more. Be it the decisions or situations, a few couldn’t find a way good and lie bitter within.

Here, a few things that I would have said to my younger self if it had been a chance. Though impossible yet telling isn’t a big rock deal to think of.

1. Let go pressing too much
Things ultimately program to lie on a good side. Overpressuring self makes you grow as a bottom lit cooker which is sure to burst soon as the tolerance shuts off. This is likely to spill beans all over the glasses, walls, windows, and bars. Accumulating a lot to work, think, and slave for is sure to burden you and this persistent pressure drags you aloof from the living a life as a kid.

Working for the present is somehow justified but self burdening with the future packets demands an extra large effort. It keeps subjecting you to play a pressure child than being a joyous self.

2. Don’t freak out, things change
Getting upset with ill performances, unsatisfied with the mark sheets and not doing well in a circle, these are a few to hold a list of what bothers a child. Losing hope that you can’t reach your dream or goal if things run this way is a huge aspect for you to think and worry about. Forgive yourself, loosen the ropes of expectations and work on your flaws. Overthinking, nagging and disappointments are the back steps that room your mind and distract you from working. Choose hard work over despair, yes! things change, improve and come better in ways. Though young fails

to realize but your older self is sure to find everything justifiable.

3. Don’t lose hope, stay confident
No matter if you find hard to speak of bothersome issues, it is totally ok if you can’t make your parents understand your vision or you get bullied in the class and you choose nerd spectacles as an escape door. There is more which makes a child feel heavy. Choosing isolation over facing rejection open risks of falling prey to self menace. Moreover, this settles you choosing intoxication, drugs, violence, and breach over surviving the threat with all your guts and resources.

Not all the circumstances favor, but thriving through them makes things worth counting. Be confident even if things tremble and believe your walking past the tremor safely.

4. Don’t lose heart over disappointments

In the early age, it is easy for some to fit in whereas some find it incredibly hard to bloom. Every opinion marks the mind great with scare and scar which eventually becomes the part of one’s personality. These heartbreaks are painful and frighten the one falling for people. Losing friends or not having the one makes a child dwell into loneliness and depression.

You need to realize that you have got your own way and don’t choose fitting in for the people around whom you find hard to catch breathe or feel remote instead try bumping into those who make you realize that you too deserve love, care, help, and attention. Do remember, these labels barely predict your future self because you are a part of constant evolution as you grow up.

5. Remember, you are special
I know there is a lot you are wondering about. You find yourself underrated, you keep questioning you being here, you compare and feel bad, this becomes so discouraging that you forget that you are good in your domain. You miss embracing your true self. Listen, you too are beautiful, worthy and a heart full of kinder kindness. Remember, not all the times' beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder at times it lies in a pure self too. Trust me, you are a magnificent soul, one of a kind.

You made it so far, you will make it well to the end.

