I'm Willing To Be With You Always....

Dhivya Balachandran
Oct 18, 2019   •  5 views

The Night falls gently..

And you are not here..

I’m missing you more and more ….

Getting worried as I stare at the door 

Just waiting for you to surprise..me..

With your arrival at any moment……

You are so far… away right now..

And that all I can ask for ….

Is that the TIME moves faster….

All I can think about is you and your face…

Reading does not distract me anymore

And only listening to our songs seems to ease a bit the pain of your absence.

I wish you were with me right now.

I wish I could lie on the sofa, my head on your lap and feel the tips of your fingers running through my hair.
You have no idea how filled with joy my heart will  if the day is with…you …..

I will be the happiest person on earth…

And my heart will beat faster again with joy and affection.

I interrupt my dreams of the day we see each other again.

I get up and pour myself a glass of wine because, as a philosopher once said centuries ago:” THERE IS NO PLACE FOR LOVE WHERE  WINE IS MISSING”.

I wish you were here so we could toast the love that unites us and always will,

But I know it will still be a while before that happens.

