The basic needs of Homo sapiens was since the civilisation points to:
Scattered vast endless forests & forests of concretes and metals are most usual daily habitat is protaganist of this write-Up. You can witness endless structures in this human generation . Since civilisations, there are uncountable different works in these architectures. Varieties of construction, big-small,wedged to round, skyscrapping high to lowest than the ground for walk.The art of manufacturer you witness everywhere rather taken for granted sadly yet joyfully maintained. I would like to talk about the amazing science, structure, architectures, figure and constructural beauty of them.
Simple living homes structures to aristrocratic ancient grids, from amusing monuments to entertaining astonishing advaced Tech-buildings ; you can find astonishing creativity and perfection in every purposeful building.
Starting from home, "go around the world but the serenity of returning relaxing home is other level", i dont know about you readers but I hear this often from every well being . "there is no place like home". These are basic buildng structures but you will be amazed by the varieties of buildings for this category of buildings.
A building can reveal alot about the scenerios and living to its political to social statuses. I can say it's mirror of societies and communities.
Other categories are the sculptures,artifacts, great-monuments; those pure direct art forms since centuries. Nor that they were the home in great history or piece of heart of sculture but now valuable ancient treasure-soul valubles of ages. The buildings that make you proud of cultures, heritage,events and life.
Lastly, i would like to mention the latest technological adavnced era of houses are at our near future. The buildings that would make you proud of the human brain and it's ability. There is a fast rate of growth in indutrial to technological firm and here the boom and convenience of sustainable teachnological developement giving us new horizon to build out of wonderous construction of various buildings soon.
Briefly so here i have presented my thought on simple material we know in this small article