5 Steps To Have A Sound Sleep In 2 Mins

R.Manoj Aiyer
Jun 16, 2019   •  33 views

Sleeping is one of the main habit that every human has to do in a day.But many of us don't get sleep when we go to bed immediately.It may take some time and some people don't even get sleep.So american army has done some research and has suggested some steps with which you can get sleep in 2 mins.Safe and sound sleep is essential to live a healthy and stress free life.

  1. Dont cover your face during sleep.It should be in contact with air and free.So that your eyes will be normal and you will get sleep easily.Your forehead will always have pressure so try to relax it and free the pressure.Make your face pressure free.

  2. Keep your hands streched and free.Dont hold it tight.Keep your fingers opened dont close them.

  3. Leave your legs free and straight ,your thighs ,fingers etc.Basically you have to free the stress in your body parts starting from head to legs.

  4. Wherever you sleep when you close your life do imagine stars in the night.That is imagine a breezy night in your mind.Because from thousands of years it has been programmed that we have to sleep at night.Night is the time when you will get sleep.Do these steps repeatedly for 4 to 5 weeks in order.Then automatically from the sixth week you will get sleep in 2 mins.

  5. Although you have tried these 4 steps and you have not got sleep then you have to avoid doing the two things.First one stop drinking coffee before going to sleep may be there should be a gap of more than 5 hours between you drink coffee and sleep.Dont see mobile before going to sleep because the light from your smartphone will not let you sleep.



Profile of R.Manoj Aiyer
R.Manoj Aiyer  •  5y  •  Reply
Even I needed this
Profile of R.Manoj Aiyer
R.Manoj Aiyer  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  5y  •  Reply
Haha i really needed this.
Profile of Sakshi Jain
Sakshi Jain  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Keerthana Somnath
Keerthana Somnath  •  5y  •  Reply
a very needed one !!!