7 Types Of Lettuce For Your Salad

Chenya Mishra
May 09, 2019   •  268 views

Far from the shrink-wrapped iceberg lettuce we all know so well, perfectly round and crunchy, almost all water, and able to last a long time after harvest—the multitude oflettuce varieties available at the grocery store andfarmers marketsoffer a wide range of textures, colors, and flavors. Instead of a generic looking and tastingsalad, you can make something interesting to eat and look at.

Here are 7 types of lettuce, you can use in you salad, the next time!

1. Romaine

Romaine or cos lettuce is a variety of lettuce that grows in a tall head of sturdy dark green leaves with firm ribs down their centers. Unlike most lettuces, it is tolerant of heat.

2. Butterhead Lettuce

Generally grown to full-size heads, butterhead lettuce receives its name from the sweet buttery flavor and delicate texture of the large, ruffled outer leaves.

3. Celtuce

Celtuce, also called stem lettuce, celery lettuce, asparagus lettuce, or Chinese lettuce, is a cultivar of lettuce grown primarily for its thick stem or its leaves. It is used as a vegetable and is especially popular in both mainland China and Taiwan, where the stem is interchangeably called Qingsun or Wosun.

4. Iceberg

Icebergis a variety of lettuce with crisp leaves which grows in a spherical head resembling cabbage. It is known for its mild flavor and firm, crunchy texture.

5. Bibb

Bibb lettuce is a smaller butter head lettuce with soft leaves used primarily as a salad green but also works well as a wrapper for foods.

6. Summer Crisp

Also known as French crisp or Batavia lettuce, summer crisp types are easy to grow, relatively tolerant of hot weather, and harvestable from baby leaf to full size.

7. Loose Leaf

Looseleaf lettuce seeds are fast-growing and won't form tight heads. This kind of lettuce is one of the simplest lettuces to grow in home gardens and the type grown by most home gardeners.

So, try making interesting salads using these and let me know down below in the comments section!



Profile of Gandharv Sharma
Gandharv Sharma  •  5y  •  Reply
Loose leaf is above all.
Profile of Madhu Mishra
Madhu Mishra  •  5y  •  Reply
Waah salaad
Profile of Madhu Mishra
Madhu Mishra  •  5y  •  Reply