We all have set goals in our past life for our careers, our health and our lives in general. Some of them might have been achieved. If you notice it keenly, you will understand that the steps were taken by you to achieve your goals must have comprised of the following given steps below, which was used by you to reach your destinations, unknowingly.

1) One of the fastest ways to make progress on your goals is to simply press pause on less important things andfocus on one goal at a time.

2) Sometimes you just need to reorganize your priorities a little bit and suddenly progress comes much more quickly because you are now fully committed to a goal that was only getting moderate attention previously.

The above steps are used to focus on your goals consistently, which are having a high chance of accomplishing your goals.

To reach goals we can use two methods that are 1) deep work and 2) shallow work.

The deep work method needs almost 90-100% of perseverance, concentration, and determination. With the above all three elements you can easily accomplish any goal that you have aimed for.

The shallow work doesn't need full percent of any of those elements used in the deep work, but the time-consuming process is high in this method.

Although most of us have the freedom to make a wide range of choices at any given moment, we often make decisions based on the environment we find ourselves in. For example, if I wanted to do so, I could drink a beer as I write this guide. However, I am currently sitting at my desk with a glass of water next to me. There are no beers in sight. Although I possess the capability to get up, walk to my car, drive to the store, and buy a beer, I probably won’t because I am surrounded by easier alternatives. In this case, taking a sip of water is the default decision, the easy decision.

