If you ask me, where humans go wrong is with their lack of patience. That, and their recent acquired taste for instant gratification.

"The reality is that things take time."

Tending to operate in the world today, we want things immediate and fast. There’s no time to dawdle and get distracted, rather everything should happen the very instant we desire it. We want them to happen as soon as possible. We have no time to wait for things and certainly no patience to let the things flow in their own way by taking their own time.

It's a high time to learn that things do take time and we ought to have restraint to let them fall back into their right places.

"Have patience. Sometimes, you cannot rush things."

We relentlessly work in order to achieve our goals, leaving no stone unturned. Hard work is certainly paid off one or the other day but often, we do not let it reach it's peak. We do not wait. We let despair cloud our very existence when we do not get the expected result. We sink into the deep oceans of gloominess, not willing to come out of it.

But it's natural. It's acceptable to mourn for things that have not happened our way but it is not acceptable to give up. It is not acceptable to quit. With everything, thinking long term and making steady progress, day by day, is what generates real results. This is the power of slow. With patience, discipline, and hard work, eventually one stumbles upon a breakthrough.

Remember if not today, definitely someday because things take time. Results of the hard work take time and so do other things.

Love takes time as well. It takes time to know a person in a profound essence until we have found a spark in their eyes, the truth in their soul and the goodness in their heart and it happens when we truly gets to know someone. It takes time to know we've found someone worth waiting for and worth fighting for. It takes time to know their story, their darkness, everything messy and honest about their life that allows us to decide whether we want to be with them or not.

Love isn't a matter of first sight where it is all about developing a slight attraction towards the other and call it love. To see a person with all their flaws laid out in front of us takes time. If we decide to rush into it, we only end up choosing a person on the grounds of pretensions and when the darkness gets unveiled it breaks our heart.

The heart shatters into pieces, leaving us in an ocean of despair not knowing how to come out of it, and then it takes time to put the pieces back together. Believe me, everything takes time and so does moving on from hurtful experiences.

We feel like it's the end of the world, we feel a heaviness in our chest as if something has been clutching our heart so long and keeping our feet tied up in shackles. We get so consumed by the belief that we won't be able to place our trust on anyone anymore, that we won't be able to reach a state of happiness but eventually things get better.

Things do not get better instantly. They might take days, weeks, months or even years but they do get better. Healing takes time and there's no point in rushing things, no matter what!

Will it be easy? Nope.

Worth it? Absolutely!

Give yourself time to grow. Great things take time. Wait and be tender with yourself.

Everything in the world takes time and one is required to have patience to let things be. Do not force things to happen instantly, don't get down on yourself and respect your process. You always end up getting what you deserve but only when the time permits, not too early not too late.

"Slow down and everything you are chasing will come around and catch you."


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