"If you feel beautiful, no one else has the right to tell you otherwise!"

Isn’t it ridiculous to constantly remind someone how they do not conform to the beauty standards of the society, how they are not pretty enough, or how they fail to fit in the world of perfection? Isn't it monstrous to make someone feel unworthy of them, to deny them the right to live in their natural skin and to offer them judgment and criticism throughout their life?

Body shaming is manifested in so many ways that perpetuates the idea of judging people on the basis of their physical features. Besides our own kin and peers who do not miss a single chance of undermining us on the grounds of our appearance, there are so many blogs and magazines which are constantly offering tips about how to “fit in”, about how to lose or gain weight instantly, about how to get a fairer skin in days and almost anything and everything to hide our “imperfections”.

If being in one's own skin is called an imperfection then be it so! Choose imperfection over perfection and choose to be the one who appreciates that state of imperfection in others.

You are enough and you are pretty in your most natural way and no one has the right to make you feel as though you are not enough. Literally no one has the right to make you feel as though you are too fat or too skinny, too tall or too short, or too dark or too colorless. No one has the right to make you feel uncomfortable about your crooked teeth or for not having whiter teeth. No one has the right to make a comment on your body hair or anything about your body which is just as natural as others.

You are not here to live up to other’s standards of beauty and perfection. You are here for you!

You are complete in yourself and enough more than you can think of! Sufficiently enough that no other person can make you feel different. Your imperfections make you as beautiful as your positive traits and if someone does not acknowledge this fact then they are not worthy of you. You must let those people go who try to make you fit in to their concept of ‘beauty’ or ‘perfection’. You are not here to please other people or to frame yourself in another’s image of what is worthy.

"You are worthy! You are enough! You are beautiful!"

The truth is that beauty is intrinsic, existing naturally within us all, and the fewer filters we apply, the clearer it is for our inner splendor to shine through. When you view beauty through that lens, there is no room for harsh criticism or negativity.

You know what is ugly? Pretence.

And you know what’s beautiful?

You. In your most natural form!



Profile of Bhavya
Bhavya   •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Bhavya
Bhavya   •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Bhavya
Bhavya   •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you suraj💜
Profile of Neeru
Neeru  •  4y  •  Reply
Absolutely 👌👌👌
Profile of Gitanjali S Pillai
Gitanjali S Pillai  •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Suraj Jat
Suraj Jat  •  4y  •  Reply