We have created a list of 88 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter W. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Waamil: An extremely beautiful girl.
Waceera: The wanderer
Wadaana: A girl destined to be wealthy and prosperous
Wadida: One who is loving, and affectionate.
Wafa: Faithfulness, fidelity and loyalty
Wafaa: Faithfulness
Wafiqah: Successful, Triumphant; Victorious; A variant spelling is Wafeeqah
Wafiyyah: Loyal, Faithful; A variant spelling is Wafiya
Wagma: Breeze accompanied with a pleasant smell
Waheeda: Unique, Singular; Sole; Exclusive; Beautiful; A variant spelling is Wahida
Wahibah: Giver, donor
Wahidah: Unique, Singular; Sole; Exclusive; Beautiful; A variant spelling is Waheeda
Waiola: Violet flower
Wairimu: One of the nine founders of Agikuyu.
Waitherero: The better one.
Wajia: A beautiful melody
Wajihah: Eminent, Distinguished; Famous; Respected; Renowned
Wakiuru: One of the nine founders of Agikuyu.
Walda: Ruler
Waleeya: Supporter, caretaker, companion.
Waleis: One belonging from Wales.
Walentyna: Strong and sound
Walidah: Newborn
Walita: Duty
Walta: Shield
Waltraud: Rule strength
Wambui: The singer of songs.
Wamika: Goddess Durga
Wamuhu: Born of ashes
Wamuiru: A dark skinned beauty.
Wamweru: One who is light skinned.
Wanda: Wanda possibly translates to a wanderer.
Wanetta: A pale and fair woman.
Wanette: The pale one
Wang Fang: Wang means King, Monarch, Fang means Fragrant, Virtuous, Beautiful
Wang Jing: Wang means King, Monarch, Jing means Quiet, Still, Gentle, Essence, Spirit, Clear, Crystal
Wang Li: Wang means King, Monarch, Li means Beautiful, Reason, Logic, Establish, Black, Dawn
Wang Xiu: Wang means King, Monarch, Xiu means Develop, Luxuriant, Beautiful, Elegant, Outstanding
Wangai: Born of God.
Wangari: A leopard
Wangera: A traveler
Wangi: Fragrant
Wangu: The one who gathers the firewood.
Wanja: The one from without.
Wanjeri: Born of Njeri.
Wanjiku: One of the nine founders of Agikuyu.
Wanjiru: One of the nine founders of Agikuyu.
Wann: A pale and fair woman.
Warda: Pashto term for rose
Wardda: Rose flower.
Wardiya: Flower
Waseme: Kenyan term meaning let them talk.
Wasfia: Worthy of praise
Wasifah: One who describes.
Wasiya: One who is gracious, patient, and powerful.
Wathiqa: Certain, sure, confident
Waynette: The wagon maker.
Wejah: She who practices Purdah.
Welsie: A woman from the west.
Wening: Quiet
Wenna: Cornish form of Gwen, meaning white, fair, blessed.
Wenona: The first born daughter.
Whan: Enlargement
Whina: Helper, a helpful and kind girl.
Wibeke: Fight, battle or war
Wibke: Spelling variation of Wibeke. It means fight or battle.
Wijdan: Ecstasy, sentiment
Wikitoria: Victorious. A Maori variation of Victoria.
Willa: One who is firm and resolute.
Willow: Slender or graceful
Wilma: From Wilhelmina, a female variant of William, which means Will or desrire to protect
Wilmarie: A combination of Willa and Marie.
Win: Bright
Winda: Chasing for food.
Winnie: Fair one, white and smooth, soft, happiness, or fair and pure
Winta: Desire
Winter: Winter season
Wisal: Communion in love
Wisama: Beauty, attractiveness.
Withypoll: The twighead.
Wodeleah: One from the wooded meadow
Woelinam: In God I trust
Wokabi: She is of the Maasai.
Woong: Grand and magnificent
Wordah: Rose
Wren: A bird
Wubitu: Beautiful
Wulan: The moon