We have created a list of 751 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter F. This is Page 4 out of 4 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Fowoke: A girl who is pampered with money.
Foxglove: Name of a flower called digitalis, Speculated to mean 'fairies' music'
Foy: Alternant of 'Fee' which means 'faith and hope'
Foyinsola: Yoruba term meaning add honey to the wealth.
Foyle: A person who resides beside a pit or hollow
Fozia: A female who is triumphant and successful
Foziah: One who is victorious and successful.
Fraida: Someone who is beautiful and adored by all
Fran: Someone who is French by blood
Franca: Refers to a won who is of French origin
France: It means a french woman or a free-woman
Francel: A woman who belongs to France
Francelle: A person who is a descendant of France
Francene: A person hailing from France
Frances: A feminine replacement for 'Franceis' which refers to a French person or a free person
Francesca: Derived from Latin word 'Franciscus' it refers to a female belonging to France
Franchesca: A Dominic Republic spelling for Francesca. It means free.
Francheska: Variation of the word 'Franceska', this name refers to a woman of French roots
Franci: Refers to a free woman of French blood
Francia: Refers to an individual belonging to France, i.e. "Land of the Franks"
Francie: Represents a French woman who is free
Francina: The name essentially means a French descendant
Francine: Alternant of 'Francina', the name means 'from France' or a free person
Francique: Someone belonging to France
Francisca: From france
Francise: Francise is a derivative of the English Frances and means free man.
Franciska: It refers to a Frank or Frenchwoman who is a free person
Franciszka: It represents a Frenchwoman or 'the one who is free'
Francoise: Feminine word for "Francois", it refers to a woman who has French roots
Frania: A variant of Latin name 'Frances' it refers to a woman who is French
Franie: It refers to woman who hails from france and is a free person
Franka: Female form of Frank, it refers to a free woman
Franklinia: A flowering tree named after Benjamin Franklin, based on its root 'Frankin' the name should mean 'free'
Frannie: It refers to a woman who is from France, a free woman
Franny: A free woman descending from France
Frañseza: Bretons feminine form of Franciscus and means Frenchman
Frantiska: Czech variant of 'Frances' it refers to a woman who is free
Franya: Obtained from Latin word 'Frances', it refers to a free woman with French roots
Franziska: German feminine form of 'Franciscus' which translates to a Frenchwoman who is free
Frauke: Derived from Old German 'Frowka' translating to 'a little lady'
Fraya: It means a woman who is the foremost, Lady
Frayda: A happy and joyful woman.
Frea: Derived from Old Norse goddess's name Freyja, it means the Lady or Mistress
Freadeyweed: A name which means peace and harmony
Freawaru: Made up of 'Frea'+'Waru' meaning the war resolver or bringer of peace
Frecesant: A sociable, friendly and innovative person
Frecla: Possibly derived from 'Farecla' which is combined from French words meaning 'Shining and Bright'
Freda: Female version of Fred meaning peaceful (German), Also means blessed and beloved (Old Norse)
Freddi: Variant of Freda which refers to a peacegiving and harmonious woman (or leader)
Frederica: Female version of 'Frederic', it refers to a peaceful person (or ruler)
Fredericka: Feminine variant of 'Frederick', it means peace binding leader or ruler
Frederika: A variation of 'Fredericka', it means a peace-loving ruler'
Frederique: French version of 'Fredericka' meaning a peace-binding ruler
Frediswitha: A peace loving person who has great nature
Fredricka: Variant of 'Fredericka' meaning a peacable person or ruler
Fredrika: A modified form of 'Fredericka' which means a peace-maintaining ruler
Free: As the name suggests, it refers to a free and unbound individual
Freeda: A ruler who is peaceful, It means beloved in Old Norse
Freedah: A peace-binding ruler (German), blessed and loved (Old Norse)
Freema: Refers to gorgeous or stunning.
Freia: It refers to a woman who the Lady or Mistress
Freida: A variant of Freda, it means a peaceful ruler
Freira: Refers to a female sibling, pious sister
Freja: Referring to a Lady or a Mistress, a Goddess of beauty
French: A free individual belonging to France, wild horse
Frenchie: A free woman of French origin, kind and home-loving
Freny: A person who is loved by all, Zaratushtra's daughter as per myth
Freola: It means free, brisk and fair individual
Fresa: Spanish term for strawberries, one who is from high class
Fresca: Fresh, cool
Freshta: A variant of 'Farsishta', it means an angel
Frethesant: A poised and affectionate person
Freware: A simple and poised individual
Freya: In Norse mythology, Freya was the goddess of love, Lady
Freyda: Refers to bliss, happy and content.
Freyde: Referring delight, pleasure or cheerful.
Freydís: The woman of Freyr.
Freyja: A name given to the lady of love, beauty and death
Frida: Peace
Fridaws: The very big garden in heaven.
Friday: Day of frigga, Goddess of weddings.
Frideswid: Peace that is sustainable
Frideswide: Refers to sustainable peace.
Fridiswed: One living with peace
Fridiswid: One who is with peace
Fridr: One who is beautiful.
Fridrik: One who governs peacefully.
Fridrika: Icelandic form of Fredrica, meaning peaceful ruler.
Fridswed: Oh who like peace
Frieda: Darling and dearest.
Friedah: An intelligent adviser.
Friede: Elf strength
Friederike: The master who rules the nation peacefully.
Frig: One who is foremost among the Goddesses
Frigg: One who belongs to Iceland or one who comes from Iceland.
Frigga: Sprit of wedding, goddess of marriages.
Frigyth: A spontaneous, happy go lucky person
Frija: A major goddess, wife of Odin
Frikka: A peaceful ruler.
Frine: Any of various tailless stout bodied amphibians with long hind limbs for leaping.
Frisa: A combination of two words fire and ice
Frisewide: One who is at peace and is strong
Frithela: The one who is free and spread peace
Frithestan: The place or land of freedom or peace
Frithuswith: A trustworthy and witty individual
Fritjof: Refers to concord, peacetime or harmony.
Fritzie: The royal king who rules the city peacefully.
Friya: The girl who is loving, darling and most affectionate.
Frona: The one who can control himself under any tough situations.
Fronda: A section or branch which is fully covered by leaves.
Fronie: Intelligent and workable girl.
Fruma: Girl who is religious or spiritual.
Frumah: A pious woman.
Frusannah: A quick, humble and untiring person
Fryda: An intelligent social worker of fairies.
Frydah: A clever therapist of sprites.
Fryswyde: A successful, quick and witty person
Frøydis: A name of the Goddess Frøy.
Fuada: Refers to mind and argument.
Fuchsia: Beautiful rose color flowers.
Fudayl: A learned or scholarly woman.
Fudge: The one who is determined and persistent.
Fuji: Refers to prosperous objective or flourishing opinion.
Fukayna: Wise or clever in mind.
Fularenu: The fine spores that contain gametes and that are borne by an another in a flowering plant.
Fuleswari: A name of a river or lake.
Fuli: To bloom like a flower
Fulki: Spark, Flame; Light; Brightness
Fulla: Either fuller or a young horse
Fullan: Refers to budding or flowering.
Fullara: Name of Kalketu's wife.
Fulmala: Refers to wreath or chaplet.
Fultushi: Girl who is loving and darling.
Fulvia: Resembles yellow color.
Fumiko: Academic or intellectual.
Fumnaya: The person who wanted to love by someone.
Funda: The general condition of body and mind.
Funmilayo: Gift of God or God has brought me joy.
Funoon: Diversity or variation.
Furada: Refers to exclusive or single.
Furaha: Refers to blissful or contented.
Furat: Refers to pleasant water or good water.
Furoozan: Refers to healthy and beaming.
Furough: Refers to vividness or illumination.
Furozan: One who has a glowing radiance
Fursat: Perfect time or exact time.
Fusaylah: A Sindhi term for some distance
Fuseelah: A female narrator of Hadith.
Futun: Charms or attractions.
Fyiynfoluwa: Give praise to God. A person who never forgets to praise God for everything.
Fynch: Refers to a fowl or birdie.