We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 31 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Asoke: A Blessed Generation
Asooda: A person who is very prosperous and happy
Asos: Name of a mountain in Kurdistan.
Asotosa: One who fulfills the wishes, desires, wants and needs instantly
Aspan: An efficient horse rider
Aspandad: Earth, bountiful humility, and the name of an angel.
Aspi: One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Asraf: A person who is without grief
Asrani: Secret, a hardworking and ruthless individual
Asrar: Old word for secrets and mysteries
Asrava: A devoted and an obedient person
Asravya: A Boy to whom people listen to attentively
Asrayasa: Consuming something which comes in contact
Asriel: Prince of the God
Assad: A group of animal names meaning lion
Assalam: One who is converted to Islam
Assar: Younger form of Answar
Asseem: Boundless, Endless; Limitless; Infinite; Never Ending
Asser: Hebrew - Happy, Blessed, Cute; A variant of name Asher
Assi: A beautiful and fair god or goddess
Astaka: One which has eight parts
Astakarna: A person who is eight eared
Astamurti: Old Indian name for a person with eight cosmic bodies
Astan: A settlement found in the east
Astaroth: Name of a demon.
Asthamurthi: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Asthik: One who believes in God, Religious; Pious; one who has faith in God
Astik: One who believes in God, Religious; Pious; one who has faith in God
Astika: One who believes in the authority of God and Vedas
Astin: A strong leader who is trustworthy
Astitva: Existence, Survival; Life
Astlabor: A sharp-witted, optimistic being
Aston: A name meaning Eastern town in English
Astor: One who is looking for a prey, Hawk and thunder
Astrita: One who is invincible
Astro: Related to the stars
Astrophel: One who is lover and a friend, star lover
Astutayu: Aristanemi's son
Asu: The east
Asucena: Lily flower
Asul: Wealth, Rich; Abundance; Ample
Asula: A peaceful being, one without thorns
Asuman: Turkish - Sky, Hindi - Lord of Vital Breaths
Asumat: One who is mentally able to move quickly
Asur: A Turkish term used for Assyrians.
Asura: Old Indian name for a demon
Asurari: A person who is the enemy of demons
Asuri: A person who is powerful like a demon
Asutosa: A Boy who is pleased easily
Asutosh: A Boy who becomes happy easily
Asuya: Jealous
Asva: Having speed like a horse, one who is swift
Asvadavan: One who is the acceptor of the sacrifice of horse
Asvagriva: One who has a very long neck
Asvajit: Horse, express leadership
Asvaketu: Horses being bannered
Asvala: A person who brings horses
Asvapati: The lord of the horses
Asvarya: A prosperous and fortunate human being, marvellous
Asvasena: A person with an army of horses
Asvasirsa: A form of Vishnu with a head of the horse
Asvatara: A better horseswifter
Asvathama: Son of Dronacharya, Immortal; Eternal; Lives forever
Asvattha: Holy tree under which the gods sit
Asvatthi: Name of a tree under which horses are kept
Asvavan: The best breed of horse, strong
Asvin: Derived from Sanskrit word Ashvin means Cavalier, possessor of Horses; First Star in Sky; Light
Asvineya: Son of Asvins
Asvini: A swift person with great wealth
Asvinikumara: One who is the son of Asvini
Aswab: The one who is best.
Aswad: Arabic and Egyptian Name, means Black
Aswaghosh: Name of a Philosopher, Horse's Neigh
Aswal: Indian name for horse rider
Aswanth: Victorious, Conquering; Triumphant; Great King
Aswantha: Tree of Knowledge, Tree where Buddha medidated and Gained knowledge
Aswath: Tree of Knowledge, Tree where Buddha medidated and Gained knowledge
Aswattama: Son of Dronacharya, Immortal; Eternal; Lives forever
Aswin: Derived from Sanskrit word Ashvin means Cavalier, possessor of Horses; First Star in Sky; Light
Aswine: A person who is friends with Gods
Aswini: Name of a star
Aswinikumar: Derived from Sanskrit word Ashvin means Cavalier, possessor of Horses; First Star in Sky; Light
Aswinn: A person who is friend with a spear
Asylbek: Noble and precious master or chieftain
At: One who is devoted and faithful
Ata: Arabic - Gift, Fante - One of Twins; Turkish - Ancestor, Predecessor
Ataa: Arabic - Gift, Fante - One of Twins; Turkish - Ancestor, Predecessor
Ataallah: A Boy who is Allah's gift
Ataalrahman: A Boy who is considered as the gift of the beneficient
Atabuk: Protector or the guard of others
Atahladte: Native American for feather on the head
Ataikiru: Talk or plan before taking action
Ataka: Name of an old river
Atal: Hero, Leader; Guide
Atala: A sanskrit word for stable
Atalas: Name of an ancient Greek God
Atalbahadur: A firm and brave person
Atalbir: A firm person who is strong
Atalia: Hebrew word meaning God is great
Atallah: Gift of Allah
Atalo: Traits which resemble that the person is youthful
Atalvir: A powerful person
Atam: Hebrew - Man, A variant of name Adam
Atama: Soul of a person, expressive and versatile
Atamai: Knowing all, an intellectual man.
Atambhagat: A person who is a spiritual devotee
Atambhu: The Holy Trinity
Atambir: One who is spiritually brave
Atambodh: Spiritual knowledge
Atamcheen: One who is in a position to realise the self
Atamchet: Spiritual awareness
Atamdaras: A spiritual vision
Atamdeep: The spiritual light
Atamdev: A spiritual, holy and godly person
Atamdharam: One who lives in a spiritual manner
Atamdhian: Completely absorbed in the soul
Atamendra: Bliss of Soul, Happy Soul; Peaceful Soul
Atamgat: A soul which has been liberated
Atamgeet: A song which is blissful to the soul
Atamgian: A person with true knowledge of something
Atamgun: Showing some spiritual merits
Atamjas: One who sings the glory of the spirit
Atamjeet: Victory of the self
Atamjit: Victory of Spirituality Knowledge , Victory of Soul or Self
Atamjog: Attaining the final version of spiritual union
Atamjot: Spiritual flame of a person
Atamjyot: Light of the Soul, Flame of Spirit
Atamkaram: A person who is acting to attain the spirit
Atamleen: Something which is absorbed in the spirit
Atamlok: One who is dwelling completely in the soul
Atamnaam: A person who rememebrs the almighty
Atamnidhan: Spiritual treasure
Atamnivas: A person who involves himself in the soul or dwells into it
Atamprakash: The holy and spiritual light
Atampreet: The self or the spiritual love
Atamprem: Love for the self
Atamraman: A person who cherishes the soul
Atamrang: Permeated with spirituality
Atamras: A spiritual magical medicine
Atamroop: A tangible representation of the spirit
Atamshaant: Peace for the soul or the peaceful self
Atamsimar: A person who is absorbed in one's own spirit
Atamsukh: A person who enjoys the bliss of one's own soul
Atamtat: One who is trying to attain the spiritual reality
Atamteerath: A person who regards soul as the holy place
Atamtek: One who takes the support of the spirit
Atamveer: Brave, Courageous, Strong from Soul
Atamvichaar: Thinking something on one's own self
Atanari: A creative and loving individual
Atanas: A person who is immortal
Atanase: The Romanian form of Athanasius, meaning immortal.
Atandra: Old Indian word for alert
Atanu: Sanskrit - Divine, Formless; Cupid
Atapana: Something which causes a lot of heat
Atapin: Somthing which is radiating a lot of heat
Atara: Hebrew word meaning crowned
Ataret: Someone who is being crowned
Atasa: The divine soul of a person
Atash: Persian word which means fire
Ataubaq: A handsome and a helpful person
Ataullah: Gift of Allah
Ataurrahman: A gift from Allah
Atavika: A receptive and passive one
Atawhai: A person who is kind and caring.
Ataya: A person's name which means that the God helps
At�lio: A family name, they are hero material
Atbin: Of water. And the name of the father of King Faridoon.
Atchayan: Provider of food
Atchut: Great Person
Atchuta: A simple and efficient person, stable
Ateeb: Virtuous and devoted to God
Ateeksh: Wise, Knowledgeable; Learned; Noble
Ateendra: Another name of Lord Vishnu
Ateeqa: Ancient and Noble
Ateet: Past, Things that cannot be changed
Ateeth: Inconceiveable to Sense Organs, God
Atef: A kind hearted Boy
Aten: Sun Disk, Heat and Light of Sun
Atervan: One who has nice and bright ideas
Atf: Kindness, favor and affection
Atfat: Affection, compassion.
Athalie: Lord or the divine spirit id great
Athan: An immortal person
Athanasios: The immortal divine soul
Athanasius: Old Greek - Resurrection, Immortal; Variant of name Anastasius
Athanasy: Immortal
Athar: Generous and pristine
Atharv: One of names of Lord Ganesha, Knower of Vedas; Knowledgeable One
Atharva: One of names of Lord Ganesha, Knower of Vedas; Knowledgeable One
Atharvan: One of names of Lord Ganesha, Knower of Vedas; Knowledgeable One
Atharvana: Another name for Lord Ganesh
Athavale: Remembered, Memorised
Athawale: Remembered, Memorised
Athazaz: A person who remains a mystery
Atheel: One who is high in status or nobility.
Atheer: The light reflected from a sword's blade, or a person of high status and good qualities.
Athelhard: They grab the opportunity and are tactful
Athelheah: one whith free thinking, progressive and a risk taker
Athelmod: A high spirited, alert and lively person
Athelstan: Old English - Noble Stone