We have created a list of 34 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter X. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Xanadu: A place in China, which was once Kublai Khan's Yuan dynasty.
Xantara: Protector of the earth
Xanthe: The shade gold.
Xanthippe: Yellow horse. It's a feminine form of Xanthippos.
Xantina: Little saint
Xaria: The gift of love.
Xatia: She who is flawless like an icon or painting
Xaverie: Female version of Xavier, meaning the new house.
Xaviera: Feminine version of Xavier, meaning 'bright or splendid'.
Xaviére: Owner of the new house
Xena: Welcoming and hospitable
Xenia: Hospitality
Xilonen: Hairy one
Xiloxoch: Calliandra
Ximena: Greek form of Xenia, meaning hospitality to a stranger.
Xinavane: Spread or propagate
Xitllali: Goddess of the moon
Xiuhcoatl: Comet
Xiuhtonal: Precious light
Xoana: God is gracious
Xochiatlapal: Flower wing
Xochicotzin: Fire serpent
Xochil: Flower
Xochilt: A variant of Xochil, meaning flower.
Xochiquetzal: Most beautiful flower
Xochiyotl: Heart of a gentle flower
Xoco: Youngest sister
Xocotzin: Youngest daughter
Xocoyotl: Youngest child
Xoese: Believe
Xolani: Kenyan term meaning be at peace.
Xorlali: The savior exists
Xoti: Small
Xylia: From the woods