We have created a list of 3386 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter B. This is Page 4 out of 17 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Balvan: Powerful And Mighty, Strong and Courageous, Brave and Intense
Balvant: Powerful, Strong; Full of Might and Courage; Brave
Balveer: Powerful, Strong; Full of Might and Courage; Brave Warrior
Balvindar: Powerful, Strong; Full of Might and Courage; Brave
Balvir: Powerful, Strong; Full of Might and Courage; Brave
Balwan: Powerful, Strong; Full of Might and Courage; Brave
Balwant: The name means full of might or immense strength.
Balwin: Powerful, Strong; Full of Might and Courage; Brave Protector
Balwinder: The name means 'Victorious through strength.
Balwinderjit: Victory of Strength, Power, Might and Courage
Balwinderpal: Preserver of Strength, Power, Might and Courage
Balya: Powerful, Strong; Mighty, Courageous, Child-like; The Crescent Moon`
Balzac: It is the name of a french writer.
Bamadhaj: An efficient, honest and creative person
Bamard: The name means ' brave as a bear.'
Bambad: Early morning.
Bambang: The name means a knight or a soldier.
Bamdad: Early Morning, Red brightness of Dawn; Radiant Rising Sun
Bamey: The name means ' brave as a bear.' It is a version of bamard.
Ban: The name means a forest. It means a 'field of beans.'.
Bana: Slayer, Arrow; Number; An aromatic plant; a slayer
Banaful: Wild flower
Banagher: Pointed Hill
Banaing: Son of the Slayer
Banaj: Lotus, Blooming Lotus; A name of Lord Krishna; Banbihari name of Lord Krishna is derived from Banaj meaning Lotus
Banajita: One who Conquers with Arrows, Another Name for Vishnu
Banarasi: One who Belongs to Benaras a Sacred place in India
Banari: King of the forest, Represents Lion which is powerful and mighty
Banavari: Dweller of the Forest, One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Banayot: Arabic name for Boys
Banbhatt: Name of an Ancient Poet
Banbihari: A name of Lord Krishna, Banbihari name of Lord Krishna is derived from Banaj meaning Lotus
Banbrigge: Lives Near the Bridge over the White Water
Bancrofft: Pasture, Field of Beans
Bancroft: Bean Field
Band: Broom Covered Hill
Banda: The Person
Bandan: Its a Bond, Relationship; Connection
Bandaru: It is a Surname for various cultures, It means Saffron in Telugu
Bandes: Arabic name for Boys
Bandev: One of many names of Lord Krishna
Bandhu: friend
Bandhul: One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying his pleasing and charming nature
Bandhula: One of many names of Lord Krishna signifying his pleasing and charming nature
Bandhupal: Protecting his Relatives, Defender and guardian of friends and family; One of many names of Lord Krishna
Bandhupala: Protecting his Relatives, Defender and guardian of friends and family; One of many names of Lord Krishna
Bandhur: Wavy, Bowed, Delightful, Handsome, Mischievous, Charming, Naughty
Bandi: Slave, Servant; One who is bounded to the Lord and his sayings
Bandile: They have multiplied and prospered
Bandin: Praiser, One who is bounded to the Lord and his sayings
Bandish: Binding, Attach Together; One who is bounded to the Lord and his sayings
Bandlish: Binding, Attach Together; One who is bounded to the Lord and his sayings
Banduka: He who is outstanding
Bandula: Charming, Pleasing; Attractive; Appealing; Handsome
Bane: Aramaic - Son of Consolation, Son of the Prophet; Long-Awaited Child
Baneet: Polite
Baneswar: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Bangar: Gold Life, One who is blessed with a golden life
Banhiman: Has Plenty, Blessed with richness and wealth
Banibrata: Controller of Speech
Banikant: One who controles destiny
Banister: Root from the French word bath meaning keeper of the bath. Also (probably most often) a variant of Bannister, an English occupational surname meaning "basket weaver."
Banjamen: Right-hand Son, Similar to Benedict
Banjamino: Son of my right hand
Banjamon: Most loved son
Banjeet: Victory Of The Forest, One who conquers and succeeds
Banjiman: Variant of Benjamin,Right-hand Son
Banjo: Andrew Barton "Banjo" Paterson was a poet who wrote the lyrics to the song "Walzing Matilda" which is the unofficial national song of Australia .
Banjoko: Don't ever leave me.
Banjot: Light of Forest, Brightness and Radiance of forest
Bank: Field of Beans
Bankaru: Gold Life, One who is blessed with a golden life
Banke: Lord Krishna
Banke Bihari: Krishna
Bankebihari: Hindu Lord Krishna
Bankei: Ten Thousand Blessings
Bankim: not straight
Bankimcandra: Half Moon, Charming but Shrewd; Crescent and Attractive Moon
Bankimchandra: crescent moon
Banko: Everlasting
Bankole: Build a home for me.
Bankroft: Pasture
Banks: Edge of the River
Banmeet: Friend of Forest, One who protects the forest
Banna: Builder, Architect
Bannan: Commander
Banner: A colonial origin, Banner meaning 'Flag'
Banning: Small and Fair, One who Reads the Banns; Blond Child; Small Fair One or Son of the Fair One
Bannon: White
Bannruod: Famous Commander
Banny: Petite and good-looking
Banpati: One who defends and protects the wild
Banpaul: Fosterer of Forest
Banquo: The Tragedy of Macbeth
Banshi: Instrument played by lord Krishna
Banshidhar: Krishna
Banshilal: One of the many names of Lord Krishna signifying his love for forest
Bansi: Bansi is Flute
Bansidhar: One of the many names of Lord Krishna signifying his love for forest
Bansidhara: One of the many names of Lord Krishna signifying him as the bearer of the Flute
Bansika: The King of the Forest, Lion which is mighty and powerful
Bansila: One of the many names of Lord Krishna signifying his love for forest
Bansilal: Lord Krishna
Bansmeet: Friendly Descendant, One who is a friendly offspring
Banspal: Fosterer of Descendant, One who is a fosterer offspring
Banspreet: Love for Descendant, one who is a loving offspring
Bansuri: Flute, Lord Krishna; Flash of Lightning
Banti: Ball
Banu: Rays of the sun
Banuteja: One who is bright and radiant like the rays of the sun
Banvari: One of the many names of Lord Krishna
Banwari: Lord Krishna
Banyan: The Banyan Tree
Banyu: Water
Banzan: Indestructible Mountain
Bao: To Order, To Bid
Baphomet: An Idol or Diety which the Knights Templar were worshiping
Bappa: Universal Father, Lord Ganesha is lovingly called as Bappa
Bappaka: Good Cook, A Prince; A Royal descendant
Baptist: To Dip
Baptiste: Baptizer
Bapu: Father, Grandfather, Mahatma Gandhiji was lovingly referred as Bapu
Bapudeva: Lord of the Body
Baqa: Survival, Immortality; Eternity
Baqai: Immortal
Baqar: Inevitable or poweful
Baqat: Bouquet, Bunch of Flowers
Baqee: Remaining, Lasting
Baqer: Man Of Knowledge
Baqi: Everlasting, Eternal
Baqil: A young and handsome bloke
Baqir: Deeply Learned, Genius; Scholar; Opulent; Fierce
Baqiyya: The enduring one
Bar: Boar, Place Name; Where Birches Grow; One who Sings Ballads; Earth; Land
Baraat: Security
Barabas: Hebrew - Barabba
Barack: Blessed
Baradwaj: One who has strength and Vigor, Descendant of Bharadvaja; Name of one of the great sages
Barahim: Father of the People
Baraj: Handsome
Barak: African - Blessed, Hebrew - Lightning; A variant of name Barack
Baraka: Blessings, Abundance
Barakaa: Blessings or abundance.
Barakaat: Blessings, Prosperity, Abundance;
Barakah: Consent, Blessing
Barakat: Blessings, Abundance; Prosperity
Barakatullah: Blessing of Allah
Baram: Hebrew - Son of the nation, Barem and Barim are derivatives from Baram
Baran: Gaelic - Noble Warrior, Russian - Ram; Forceful; Virile; Teutonic - Noble Fighter
Baranan: Ram ( Hindu Lord)
Baranar: Foreign
Bararat: Pious, Truthful
Barasa: Kenyan term meaning meeting site.
Baratam: A Dance Kind, Traditional dance form of Tamil Nadu
Barath: Sanskrit - One of names of Agni, To be maintained; one who is engaged in search of Knowledge
Barathan: Sanskrit - One of names of Agni, To be maintained; one who is engaged in search of Knowledge
Barathi: Sanskrit - One of names of Agni, To be maintained; one who is engaged in search of Knowledge
Baraz: Exhalted, high
Barbaros: Bravo, Fierce
Barbat: Lute, A musical intrument
Barbod: Hero, Guitor
Barbro: Foreign, Overseas
Barclay: Meadow Of The Birch Tree
Barcley: Birch Valley, Place Name; Where Birches Grow
Barcvni: English name for Boys
Bard: Poet, Minstrel; A Singer-poet; One who Sings Ballads
Bardalph: Ax Wolf
Bardan: Lives Near the Boar's Den, From the
Bardaric: ax ruler
Bardarik: axe ruler
Bardawulf: axe and wolf
Barde: One who Sings Ballads
Barden: Lives Near the Boar's Den, Boar's Den
Bardene: From the Boar Valley
Bardhan: Life Giving, Strong; Powerful; Blessing; Increasing; Growth
Bardhana: Life Giving, Strong; Powerful; Blessing; Increasing; Growth
Bardi: One who has a beard.
Bardia: The Prince
Bardo: Variant of Bartholomew, Son of the Earth
Bardolf: Axe-wolf
Bardolph: Axe-wolf
Bardolphe: A bright wolf
Bardon: Minstrel, Singer-poet; Barley Valley
Bardot: French Surname
Bardou: Axe-wielding wolf
Bardoul: Bright wolf, ax-wielding wolf
Bardric: Germanic - Axe Ruler, Soldier who Wields an Axe; A variant of name Bardrick
Bardrick: Soldier who wields an axe
Bardulf: Bright wolf, ax-wielding wolf
Bardulph: Axe-wolf
Barduwulf: An ax-wielding wolf
Bareed: Messenger, Partner
Bareeq: Glitter, Flash; Lustre; Brightness; Brilliance; Radiance
Baren: The Lust, Yearn; Desire; Wish
Barend: As brave as a bear
Barendra: Indra, The Best; Good
Baresham: Silk
Baret: Bear-strength
Barhamat: Flower Bud
Barhana: Strong, Vigorous; Powerful; Mighty