We have created a list of 3386 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter B. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ba: A Lord or a father figure
Baabar: One who has the power of a Lion
Baadal: A cloud which bears water and bring rain
Baadi: A dirct, plain and everlasting being
Baadshah: They have a vision or foresight, King
Baadur: Georgian form of Bahadur, meaning hero, warrior or brave
Baahi: One who is glorious and magnificent
Baahir: A brilliant and dazzling personality
Baakir: The eldest child born in the family
Baako: The first born child in the family
Baala: Child, Young Girl; Young Offspring; Junior; Infant; Baby; Youthful
Baalaaditya: Risen Sun,
Baalaaji: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu, Another name of Lord Venkateswara
Baalaark: The Rising Sun, Red Radiant Sun of Dawn
Baalagopaal: Baby Krishna, One of many names of Lord Krishna to refer to his young form
Baalan: Little Boy, Young Boy; Infant Boy; Youthful Boy; Junior
Baalaraju: Youthful Strongness, Powerful and Mighty Boy
Baalayya: A famous comedy King, determined and lovely
Baaligh: Eloquent and happy natured
Baalkrishan: Baby Krishna, One of many names of Lord Krishna to refer to his young form
Baan: God's Hymns, God's Bajan's
Baanan: One who is Bright and Radiant, Smart and Knowledgeable
Baanbhatt: Name of an Ancient Poet, Smart and Knowledgeable; Bright and Radiant
Baanke: One of many names of Lord Krishna refering to his Bright and Radiant nature
Baanke Bihaari: Another name of Lord Krishna
Baaodhav: Humanitarian, One who has great respect for human values
Baapiraaju: Status Oriented, Well off and powerful
Baaqir: One with the deepest knowledge
Baar: A honest Saint
Baare: One who has a deep mind
Baari: A faithful servant of the creator
Baariq: An illuminating and bright light
Baashir: One known for his bravery and loyalty.
Baasim: One who has a very pretty smile
Baasima: Smiling, One who smiles; One who is happy
Baasir: The faithful servant of the all-seeing
Baasit: The servant of the creator
Baasu: Rich, Wealthy; Well-off; Prosperous
Baaz: Falcon
Baba: Sweet Baby, Born on Thursday; Young Lad
Baback: A young and efficient father
Babaghal: Parrot
Babajide: The father has returned
Babak: They are the young father, satisfied person
Babala: Above, Elder; Older; One who is bigger
Baban: Winner, Victorious; Successful
Babar: The Lion which is the king of jungle
Babasolaf: Father's wealth has arrived.
Babat: Lucky, Fortunate; Blessed; Privileged;
Babatunde: The father who has returned
Babatunji: The father returns again.
Babba: A brother, who always protects
Babbagha: Parrot, A variant of name Babghal
Babbu: A diligent and preserving servant
Babeesh: One who has a desire to do things
Babel: A confused person, perfect mixture
Baber: One who has a feeling of self assurance, Lion
Babgha: A spontaneous and happy to go lucky person
Babhru: Man with Fierce and Brown hair, One of many names of Lord Krishna; Son of Dhurva
Babhruvahana: Name of a character of Mahabharata
Babi: One who has an analytical and clever mind
Babiji: Good Person, Kind and Caring
Babil: One who is renowned for magic and mind
Babila: Little Girl, Young Girl; Sweet Girl
Babiya: Little Girl, Young Girl; Sweet Girl
Babiyah: One who is a diligent and hard worker
Babo: Cute, Pleasing
Baboor: Afghan - Happiness, Turkish - Lion; A variant of name Babor and Babur
Babr: A miraculous being, Lion who is the king of the jungle
Babrak: Babrak is the Pashto word of the little basilica flower
Babu: A Hindu Gentleman, A title used for calling with respect
Babul: A pleasanr and one with an easy going personality
Babulal: Beautiful, Good Looking; Pleasing; Charming Gentleman
Babunaj: A wild Ivy, expressive person
Babur: One who has the power of a Tiger
Baburam: Leader of a Rebellion, Head of an uprising; Refering to Lord Ram as the Leader
Bacchus: Latin - God of Wine, A variant form of the Greek name Bakchos which means to shout
Baccus: One who lives in the bakehouse, to shout
Bacga: One who is quick minded and versatile
Bach: One who lives by the stream
Bacha: Bacha, also the name of a famous Pashtun leader, means king
Bachan: One who understands life, cook
Bachanbir: Brave Promise, Promise of a Warrior; A derivative from name Bachan which means Promise
Bachanmeet: Promise of Friendship, A derivative from name Bachan which means Promise
Bachanpreet: Promise of Love, Promise of Affection; A derivative from name Bachan which means Promise
Bachanroop: Promise of Embodiment, Promise of fullfilment; A derivative from name Bachan which means Promise
Bachansukh: Promise of Happiness, Promise of Joy; A derivative from name Bachan which means Promise
Bachar: One who is filled with joy
Bachaspati: One with the best eyesight and vision
Bachcha: Child, Baby; Infant; Little one; Offspring
Bachil: One who Speaks Much, Talkative Person;
Bachint: One who is without worry
Bachir: One who announces the good news
Bachittar: Wounderous Merits, One who has amazing virtues;
Backstere: A very good baker, has a loving personality
Bacon: An old baker, one who cuts meet
Badaat: A likable and good natured human being, wonderful
Badal: Cloud, Rain
Badam: It is Pashto for almond.
Badan: A wild Boar, majestic and expressive
Badani: Handsome, Beautiful; Attractive; Very Appealing
Badanoth: A naive and expressive human being
Badara: Sanskrit - Jujube Tree
Badarayan: Rishi Ved Vyas, Belonging to the Jujube Tree; A derivative name from Badara
Badarayana: Belonging to the Jujube Tree, A derivative name from Badara
Badari: Berry fruit of Jujube Tree, Name of Nara and Naaraayana
Badariprasad: Gift of Badrinarayan,
Badarish: Deity at the pilgrimage, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Badaruj: Sweet Basil
Badawi: Bringer of good news or good tidings
Badda: One with old and thin skin
Baddar: One who's always on time. A punctual man.
Bade: One who comes out victorious in battle
Badeca: A bold, energetic and happy person
Badeed: Sample, or specimen
Badeeh: A wonderous human being
Badela: A noble and humble human being, clever and analytical
Baden: A beautiful surname, humble and confident
Bader: Son of Adam, professional barber
Badgar: English - The Burrowing Mammal, Derivative of the name Badger
Badgelgar: One who can influence, good natured
Badhil: One who is responsive to feelings and is clever witted
Badhira: Deaf
Badhri: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu, Badrinath is a derivative name from Badhri
Badhula: One who creates a dual neature, friendly
Badia: One who is a marvel of time
Badiah: Name of Myrobalan tree, desire to be independent
Badialzaman: A wise and kind hearted King
Badih: Able to improvise, or one who is witty and creative.
Badij: One who is responsive to feelins
Badikh: Important, Prominent; Significant; Famous
Badil: One who has many abilities and uniqueness
Badilayn: Badilayn is an Arabic name, meaning substitutes, or replacements.
Badiljan: An insightful person, responsible
Badinj: One with a creative bend of mind, Myrobalan tree
Badinjan: Egg Plant
Badir: A full moon, providing soothing moonlight
Badithe: A responsive and easy going person, happy
Badiulalam: A person who is very unique in the world
Badiuzzaman: A genius born, a clever and witty individual
Badiy: One who is beautiful by birth
Badouim: One who is creative and individualistic
Badr: A learner, also the name of full moon
Badr al Din: Full moon of the faith.
Badr al Din: One who is like the full moon of faith
Badr Udeen: One who is led by Allah
Badraldin: A sensitive person, like the full moon
Badram: Innocent, Blameless; Childlike who is not guilty
Badran: A quick minded and versatile human being
Badrani: A full grown Moon, filled with beauty
Badranj: One who can survive in any environment
Badrawi: One who is like the full moon, beautiful and radiant.
Badrealam: A leader and a organizer
Badri: A name of Lord Vishnu
Badri Narayanan: Name of Lord Vishnu, a competent person
Badri prasad: A gift given by Badri or Lord vishnu
Badrick: One who is mighty and powerful in the battle.
Badrinarayan: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu, A derivative name from Badhri
Badrinarayana: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu, A derivative name from Badhri
Badrinath: Lord Of Mount Badri, One of the many names of Lord Vishnu, A derivative name from Badhri
Badriprasad: A very good present by God
Badrish: One of the many names of Lord Shiva
Badriyyah: One who resembles the full moon
Badru: Arabic - Full Moon, A variant of name Badr
Badruddin: A full moon of religion and faith
Badrudduja: Full moon on a dark night
Badrudeen: A faithful person, full moon
Badrudin: A faithful person, one who is charismatic
Badsah: Leader, King; Ruler; Emperor;
Badshah: Leader, King; Ruler; Emperor;
Badulf: A diligent and hard working person
Baduli: Logician, Theorist; Dreamer; Thinker; Philosopher
Bae: A quick and high ranked person
Baecci: A slope, they are versatile and efficient
Baecga: One who is in great love of nature
Baeddan: A mighty and wild Boar
Baeddel: An efficient person, desire to understand
Baeddi: An eccentric, bashful and versatile person
Baega: One who keeps the pace of time
Baegi: A clever minded and self sufficient individual
Baegloc: A graceful, bright and articulative being
Baek Hyeon: Baek means older brother and Hyeon means worthy and virtuous. Hence, the name means virtuous brother
Baeldaeg: One who appreciates finer things
Baerbald: A determined and clever person
Baerhloew: A ruler who lives on hill
Baerla: A free oriented person
Baerwald: One who is good natured and full of fun
Baessel: An expressive and creative human being
Baga: One who has the ability to understand, God given
Bagaskoro: Sun rays
Bagath: Devotee, To Serve; To Adore;
Bagavathi: Name of Hindu Goddess, Common Name of Lakshmi,Saraswathi,Durga Devi
Bagdemagus: The father of Meleagant, honor
Bagga: Pure and White, It is a surname belonging to community in Northern Punjab
Baghawi: Residents of Bagh Or Bagshur in Khurasan.
Baghdad: Capital of Iraq, Bank of Tigris
Baghel: The powerful Ox
Baghinder: Tiger, King
Baghish: Light rain that affects just a small area.
Baghl: An Ox, One who is majestic and powerful