We have created a list of 2736 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter K. This is Page 7 out of 14 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Kealoha: Kealoha means The One Who is Loved
Kealohi: Kealohi means The One Who Shines
Kealohilani: The name means The Shine of the Heaven
Kean: Kean means Acient and Enduring
Keanan: Celtic - Little ancient one, Greek - Man; Manly; Brave; Virility; A variant is Keandre
Keandre: Celtic - Little ancient one, Greek - Man; Manly; Brave; Virility; A variant is Keenan
Keane: Keane means Very Old
Keani: Keani means Breeze or Wave
Keanjaho: A mountain of beans.
Keannen: The name means He is Very Old
Keanu: Keanu name means Coolness, the Cool Breeze
Keara: Keara means The name of a Saint
Kearney: The name means Darkness, The Fighter
Kearson: Kearson means The Follower of the Christ
Keary: Keary name means Dark
Keating: Keating means Urbane, mostly used as an Irish surname
Keatley: The name means Shed Town, mostly used as a surname
Keaton: Keaton means Place of the Hawks
Keats: Keats means Shed Town, mostly used as a surname
Keb: Keb means Part of the Eart
Kechik: Small or little
Kedaar: A Field, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Kedar: Kadar means Strong
Kedaresh: The name means Lord Siva
Kedarnath: The name means Lord Siva
Keddrick: Keddrick means Gifted with Splendor
Kedem: Kedem means Old and Acient
Kedhareshvar: Lord of Mount Kedara in Himalayas, One of many names of Lord Shiva
Kedia: Title, Designation; An Indian Surname used in various cultures
Kedric: Kedric means Gift of Splendor
Kedrick: Kedrick means Splendor is Given
Kedron: Kedron means Shady and Dark
Keduse: The name means She is a Gift of Splendor
Kee: Kee means Horns of the Animal
Keeandre: The name means Keen Power
Keefe: Keefe means He who is Cherised
Keefer: The name means He is Very Gentle and Noble
Keegan: Keegan name means A thinker, Small Fire
Keelan: Keelan means Slender and Fir
Keelen: Keelen means He is a Slender One
Keemeone: The name means Rain
Keen: Keen means a Sharp One
Keenan: Keenan means Acient, The Descendant of the Brave one
Keene: Keene means He who is Tall, Handsome and Sharp
Keenen: Keenen means Acient Gavin
Keeran: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Keerat: Fame, Distinction; Recognition; Eminence; Renown
Keeria: Keeria means Boy With Dark Hair
Keert: Estonian form of Gerald, meaning bold ruler.
Keertan: Keertan means Worshiping through a Song
Keerth: Keeth means From the Woods
Keerthan: Famous, Holy Song; Divine hymns praising the God
Keerthimanth: Famous Person, Renowned; Eminent; Distinct; Popular
Keerthinath: The meaning of the name is He who is very Famous
Keerthivanth: Famous Man, Renowned; Eminent; Distinct; Popular
Keerti: Keerti means Famous Person
Keertik: Famous Man, Renowned; Eminent; Distinct; Popular
Keertinath: Famous Person, Renowned; Eminent; Distinct; Popular
Keethan: Famous, Holy Song; Divine hymns praising the God
Keeton: Keetion means a Place where Hawks Soar
Kefir: Kefir means Little Lion
Keften: It means a chestnut, naughty and nurturing
Kegan: Descendant Of The Fiery One
Kegayyan: Descendant Of The Fiery One
Kehar: Kehar means Tiger, Lion
Keharbir: The name means Lion
Kehyrdius: The name means Being Slender
Kei: Kei name means Square Jewel, Blessing, Wise
Keian: Keian means Acquired
Keifer: German - Pine Tree, Barrel Maker; Hebrew - Son of Lion;
Keighan: Keighan means Small Flames
Keiji: Keiji means Respect, Two, or Governs with Discretion
Keijo: Keijo means Elf
Keiki: Keiki means Child
Keikilani: Keiklani means Heaven's Child
Keil: Keil means He is Clumsy
Keiler: Keiler mens He Cuts Stones, CLumsy
Keiman: Keiman means Strong
Keimoni: The ocean of uniqueness or knowledge
Keion: Keion means He is Noble-Born
Keirnan: Keirnan means Little and Black-Haired
Keiryn: The meaning of the name is Black
Keisho: Kaisho means He Promotes The Wisdom
Keita: Keita means Blessing in African and The Child was a Huge Gift
Keitaro: Keitaro means Blessed, Huge Gift
Keith: The name means The wind or Wood
Keithan: Keithan means Wind
Keka: Keka means Chosen, Selected, Appointed
Kekoa: Kekoa means Brave Warrior
Keladry: Kalendry is a modern American name
Kelan: Kelan means Slender, Thin
Kelani: Kelani means Heaven
Kelbi: Kelbi means Farm by the Spring
Kelby: Kalby means Place by the Fountain or Spring
Kelcee: The name means Brave
Keldon: Keldon menas Town of the Keels
Kele: Kele means Sparrow
Kelechi: Glorify God.
Kelekolio: Kelekolio is a form of Gregory. It means watchful, alert.
Keleman: Gentle, Kind; A variant of name Clement
Kelemen: Kelemen means Gentle
Kelemete: Kelemete is a variation of Clement. It means gentle.
Kelian: Belgian term for a small water channel
Kelii: The name means The Chief
Kelika: Kelika means Strong-Willed
Kelil: Kelil means Crown
Kelin: Kelin means Slender Boy
Kell: Kell means From the Spring
Kellagh: Kellagh means War
Kellan: Kellan means Swamp
Kelland: The name means Strife
Kellen: Kellen means Slender, Fair
Keller: Keller means Little Champion
Kelley: Kelley means Warrior
Kellii: The name means Chief
Kellin: Kellin means Slender, Little
Kelly: Kelly means The Brave Warrior
Kelren: Kelren means Clothes, Wearing
Kelsea: Kelsea means Island of Ships
Kelsey: Kelsey means He who is Brave
Kelten: Kelten means Town of Keels
Kelti: Kelti means Clans of the Keltie, Callander
Kelton: Kelton means Town of the Celts
Keltonn: The name means Town where the Celts are
Kelvan: Kelvan means River Man
Kelven: Kelven means Man from the River
Kelvin: Kelvin means From the Narrow River
Kelvyn: Kelvyn means Man From the Narrow River
Kelwin: The name means From the Small River
Kelwyn: Means From the Slender River
Kely: Kely means Brave Warrior
Kemal: Kemal means Perfection
Kemble: Kemble means From Beside the Water Pipe
Keme: Keme means Secret Thunder
Kemery: Kemery means From the place Cambrai
Kemonte: Kemonte means Island of the Ships
Kemp: Kemp means Warrior, Champion
Kempe: Kempe means Champion, Athlete
Kemper: Kemper means Champion, Winner
Kempton: Kempton means Son of the Champion
Ken: Ken means Clean Water
Ken'ichi: The name means Healthy, Strong
Kenadia: Kenadia means Chief
Kenadie: The name means Helmeted Chief
Kenal: The name is derived from the ancient British word Cunosaglas, which means generous chief.
Kenan: Kenan means Possesion
Kenard: Old English - Bold, Keen; Royal; Warden; Guard; Brave; Hardy
Kenaz: Kenaz means Hunter
Kendel: Kendel means The Royal Valley
Kendell: Kendell means The Valley of the Royals
Kendi: Kendi means The one who is Loved and Cherised
Kendon: Kendon means The Brave Chief, The Brave Ruler
Kendric: Kendric means Brave and Fearless Chief
Kendrick: The name means He is a Brave Leader
Kendriek: Kendriek means Royal Chieftain
Kendrik: Celtic - High Summit, Greatest Champion; Royal Ruler; Son of Harry; Royal Chieftain;
Kendrix: Kendrix means Royal Leader of the Clan
Kendry: Kendry means A Man that is Wise
Kendryck: Kendryck means Son of Hary, A Brave Lader of Tribe
Kendryk: Kendryk menas Son a Hary, Chief
Kendul: Kendul means Chief is Brave
Keneder: The name is derived from ancient British name Cunosetros, which means bold chief.
Kenelm: Old English - Bold Defender
Kenen: Kenen means Possesion
Kenesaw: Kenesaw means Grass, it is a name of the Mountin in USA, Georgia
Keneth: The name means Good-looking and a Handome Man
Keneweard: The name means Royal Protector
Kenewrec: Kenewrec means Royal and Brave
Kenil: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Kenit: A Handsome Man, Born of Fire; One of many names of Lord Shiva who is believed to have born from fire
Kenji: Kenji means He is Strong and Vigorous, A Wise Second Son
Kenley: Kenley means The Meadow of the Royal's
Kenlie: Kenlie means the Meadow of King's and Queen's
Kenly: Kenly means Comes from the King's Meadow
Kenmaur: A boy who has a charming and nice nature
Kenn: Kenn means The water is clear
Kennaird: Kennaird means Bold
Kennald: Kannald means He is Bold
Kennan: The name means Little Ken, The Clear Water
Kennard: Kennard mens Bold and Brave Leader
Kenneally: Kenneally means Head of Wolf
Kennen: Kennen means He posseses Knowledge
Kennesaw: Kennesaw means Grass
Kenneth: Kenneth means He is born from the Fiery Flames
Kennett: Kennett means Born from Fire and Flames
Kenney: The name means Flame Born
Kennison: Kennison means The Son of the Beautifyl Woman
Kennith: Fair and Fiery, A handsome man
Kenny: Kenny means Beautiful, Handome, Fair
Keno: Tribe or clan
Kenric: Celtic - High Summit, Greatest Champion; Royal Ruler; Son of Harry; Royal Chieftain;
Kenrich: Kenrich means Royal Ruler, A Great Champion
Kenrick: Kenrick means The Ruler of Royal Blood
Kenricks: Kenrick means Royal Ruler
Kenricus: The name means Brave Ruler
Kenriek: Kenriek means The Royal one who Rules
Kenrik: Celtic - High Summit, Greatest Champion; Royal Ruler; Son of Harry; Royal Chieftain;
Kenryk: Kenryk means He is Royal and he Rules
Kensa: Kensa means First
Kensey: Kensey means The King's Victory