We have created a list of 2736 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter K. This is Page 14 out of 14 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Kuppu: Prince, Heir to thrown; Royal Descendant
Kuppuraj: The name means Born Near the Sea
Kuppuram: The princely state, or the highest king
Kuppuswamy: Lord of Anger, Lord of feelings; Lord of thoughts
Kuraim: The meaning of the name is Dark nad Gloomy
Kuram: The name means The One who Honors the Others
Kuranga: Kuranga means Deer
Kurapati: Kurapati means A House of Treasures
Kurcika: Kurcika means A Brush of a Painter
Kuresh: A modern name which has no meaning as such
Kurian: Kurian is the name of a Christian village in Iran
Kurihi: Guide, lead away
Kurma: Kurma means a Tortoise
Kurmi: Name of a Hindu caste, Derived from Sanskrit word Krishi meaning cultivation
Kuro: The name means The Ninth Son
Kuron: The name means Giving Thanks
Kurt: Kurt means Courteous, Honest Advisor
Kurtis: Kurtis means Polite ONe
Kuru: Kuru is the name of the Ancient King, The Founder of the Kuru Dynisty
Kuruk: Native American - Bear, The names Kuruc and Kuruck are derivatives of Kuruk
Kurukshetra: The name means Holy Place
Kurumuni: A Tamil name which is one of many names of Agathiyan, Virtuous Person; Puritan
Kurundi: The name means The One Who lives in the Kurus Land
Kurupath: A surname of Indian Origin, Mainly found in state of Kerala
Kurus: Name of many Persian Kings and Rulers
Kuruvilla: Unconquerable, Invincible; Unbeatable; Indestructible
Kusagan: A youthful person, name of Lord Murugan
Kusagra: The name means Intelligent or Angular Ona
Kusalin: Kusalin means the Sacred, Green Grass
Kuselar: Lord of Welfare, Lord of richness; God of prosperity
Kush: Kush means Sacred kush Grass
Kushaada: Having a lot of capacity, capacious
Kushaal: Well Being, Happiness; Delighted; Proficient; Clever;
Kushaan: Clever, Brilliant; Intelligent; Smart; Skilled; Proficient
Kushabahu: Suitable one, one who is happy and charming
Kushad: Kushad means The one who haw a lot of Talents
Kushadwaj: Name of Janak's Brother, One who is blessed with happiness and wellness
Kushagra: The name means The Inteliigent King
Kushaiah: The name means Hardenss, Gravity
Kushaj: Lotus, Sacred Grass; Bright; Brilliant; Radiant; Luminant
Kushak: King, Ruler; Emperor; Leader; Chief
Kushal: Kushal means Inteligent and Wise
Kushalin: The meaning of hte name is He who possesses Skills and Happyness
Kushan: Name of Son of Lord Rama, One who is happy and delighted
Kushank: One piece of grass, One who is happy and delighted
Kushanth: One with creative and learning abilities
Kushanu: Kushanu means the Flames of Fire
Kushi: A Kushite
Kushik: One who is happy and delighted, Grandfather of Rishi Vishwamitra
Kushpreet: The name means Loving and Delightful One
Kushtrim: Cry of war
Kushwah: Descendant from Kusha who was son of Lord Rama, Descendant of Suryavansh dynasty
Kushwaha: Descendant from Kusha who was son of Lord Rama, Descendant of Suryavansh dynasty
Kushwant: The name means He possessess Happyiness
Kusuma: The name means Like a Flower
Kusumakar: The name means The Season Spring, Spring Garden
Kusumba: Kusumba means Flower Kind
Kusumesh: The name means Lord of the Flowers
Kusumit: Blossomed, Flowering; Blooming; Flourishing; Budding
Kusumkar: Spring, Garden; Flowering; Blossoming; Blooming; Flourishing
Kusumoda: Kusumoda means The Sea of Flowers
Kutaiba: Lord of Flowers, Lord of Blooms; Lord of Blossoms; Lord of Spring
Kutaja: Good, Born in a Pitcher; Indra's Seed; A good seed
Kuthun: Kuthun means The One who Cuts the Binding String
Kutraalan: The name means God Sivan
Kutsav: Kutsav name means Happy Boy
Kutumb: Kutumb means Family or a Clan
Kuukburi: One who has responsible and stable nature
Kuval: Kuval means Wise One
Kuvam: The name means The Sun Star
Kuvar: Kuvar means Scent
Kuwarjeet: Kuwarjeet means Prince
Kuyilan: The name means Sweet Like Cuckoo
Kuzaiyadu: Wisdom, Knowledge; Intelligence; Brilliance
Kuzma: The universe
Kvana: Kvana means Poem
Kvanh: Kvahn means Melodious Sounds
Kvígr: A young bull.
Kwabena: Kwabena means Born onThuesday
Kwadwo: The name means Born on Monday
Kwaku: Boy born on Wednesday
Kwame: A Boy who is born on Saturday
Kwamena: one who is born on Saturday
Kwan: Kwan means One who is Strong
Kwang: Wild
Kwang-Sun: Wide goodness
Kwanza: Kwanza means Beginning, Birth
Kwasi: A Boy who born on a Sunday
Kwento: One who protects the family name from destruction
Kwinten: The name means Fifht
Ky: A water strait, a very narrow passage of water
Kyal: The name means Narrow, a Strait
Kyan: The name means Ancient
Kyden: Kyden means Narrow Little Fire
Kye: Kye means Ocean
Kyeseam: Is having an idealistic and loving nature
Kygo: One who is born to protect
Kyjuan: The name means Yahweh is Gracious
Kylan: The name means He who is Victorious
Kylar: Kylar means A place-name referring to the narrows, a wood or a church.
Kyle: Kyle means Thriuphant
Kylemore: The name means From the Great Wood
Kylen: Kylen means Wood, Church
Kyler: The name means Shelter
Kylian: Kylian means War,Strife
Kyllion: The name means Victory
Kylynne: A fortunate, happy and creative individual
Kymani: The name means Adventurous Traveller
Kymmy: Means Bold, Brave
Kynan: Kynan means Chief
Kyne: Royal, Wild Goose; Barnacle Goose; A variant spelling is Kine
Kyneburg: The name means The Royal's Valley
Kynton: The name means From the Royal Manor
Kyo: Kyo means Village or Unite
Kyon: The name means Dog. Kyon was the Golden Dog who protected baby Zeus
Kyong: Brightness
Kyosuke: The name means With Respect
Kyou: Kyou means Capital City
Kyran: Kyran means Beam of Light
Kyree: Kyree means Benevolent
Kyril: Lordly
Kyrilu: Norman form of Cyril, meaning lord.
Kyrin: Kyrin means Dark-haired Male
Kyrk: Dweller by the Church, Church; The Church of Scottish; A variant spelling is Kirk
Kyrkwode: The name means From the Forest of the Church
Kyron: Kyron means The Lord and The Master
Kyros: Kyros name means He who is Far Shighted
Kyrstyan: The name means he who has Christ in his Heart
Kyrus: Kyrus means The Sovereign Power
Kyrylo: Kyrylo name means The Lord, God
Kyson: Kyson means Son of Firebrand
Kyu: Standard
Kyubok: One who is blessed by God.
Kyung: Respect
Kywan: Kywan name means The God is Full of Mercy
Kywe: Rich