We have created a list of 2640 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter M. This is Page 5 out of 14 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Mannal: Attainment, or achievement
Mannana: A generous, bountiful woman
Mannat: One who has made a vow to a deity
Mannata: A woman who made a vow to the God
Mannitha: One who converses with God
Mannya: Flower
Manogna: She who is beautiful
Manohari: A thief of hearts
Manoja: Born of the mind
Manojna: One who is pleasant, beautiful
Manojya: One full of beauty
Manolya: She who rises above
Manomohini: A charming woman, An attractive and graceful women who is full of elegance
Manon: Diminutive form of Marie which is a variant of Mary which means bitter
Manorama: Beautiful, Pleasing; Charming; Good Looking
Manorma: Beautiful
Manoroma: Beautiful, Pleasing; Charming; Good Looking
Manoush: A sweet one
Manpreet: One who is pretty on the eyes
Manprem: One who is affectionate
Manroop: One who has a beautiful mind
Mans: One who is great
Mansa: Third Born Girl, King of Kings; Emperor;
Mansheela: Love, Affection
Mansheetal: Having a satisfied heart
Manshi: Woman, Strong Minded Lady; A Feminine form of Manu
Manshree: A wish
Manshvi: She who is intelligent
Mansi: An Indian name for a woman
Mansoora: One who is victorious
Mansooreh: She who won
Mansooruddin: A victorious one, a winner
Mansura: One who is supportive
Manthara: A holy chant
Manti: A lovable girl
Mantra: Beautiful holy chants and hymns
Mantreh: One who is chaste and pure
Manu: One who thinks wisely, Founder Father of Human Beings; Original Man; A ruler of earth
Manuela: God Is With Us, Feminine form of Manuel which is derived from the Hebrew name Emanuel
Manuella: Spanish name meaning God is with us
Manuja: She who is human
Manukha: One who has human form
Manumina: A small piece of fur under the chin
Manuprairna: One who is insirational
Manushi: A kind woman
Manushri: One of many names of Goddess Lakshmi
Manva: Mind or mind identifier
Manveer: One with a brave heart
Manvi: One with best qualities
Manvinder: A lord of the heart
Many: Mainland, English - Many; Father of many
Manya: A bitter person
Manzi: Occupational name for one who raised steers. Mostly used as a surname
Manzoora: An admirable and accepted woman
Manzuma: A woman who is like a poem or a song
Mao: A real and genuine girl
Maoli: A Dominican Republic term for handmaiden
Maovesa: One who is like a wild horse
Maple: A tree name, maple tree
Mapperley: A place name of an area in Nottingham, England
Maqboola: A person who is aknoledged and accepted
Maqbula: A preyer aknowledged and accepted by God
Maqsooda: A woman who is proposed
Maquinna: Spanidh word meaning machine
Maraala: A woman greaceful as a swan
Marab: Person focused on getting to the final point, reaching the goal
Marabella: A sea of bitterness and sorrow
Marabelle: A lovely, wondrous person
Marabeth: One who is like the sea of bitterness
Marable: A marvelous woman
Marache: From Mexican "mariachi", a style of mexican music
Maraed: Woman who is pretty as a pearl
Marah: One who is full of bitterness
Marai: A woman of rebellious nature
Maraia: A daughter that was wished for
Marajade: A female name of Hindi origin
Maral: A deer. Name reffers to a Caspian Red Deer
Marala: Swan
Maralah: One who was born during an earthquake
Maralin: A beloved person
Maralyn: She is the star of the sea
Maralyne: One who drowns in the sea of bitterness
Maralynn: Diminutive form of Marie which is a variant of Mary which means bitter
Marama: She is like the moon
Marami: Sympathetic, Aspiration; A variant of the name Maram
Maramiya: Sympathetic, Aspiration; A variant of the name Maram
Maran: A woman of the sea
Maranda: A woman who must be admired
Maranz: A fruit oragne
Maranzie: A girl who is like the fruit orange
Marava: The Raga of the tradiotional Hindustani music
Maraya: A woman who is admired
Marbella: A Spanish place name
Marbita: Plentiful
Marca: A person with rebelliousness in her heart
Marcail: A girl pretty as a pearl
Marcee: A woman who is a warrior
Marcela: A woman sho is strong like a hammer
Marcelina: One dedicated to Mars, a god of war
Marceline: A young warrior
Marcella: A woman with the character of the warrior
Marcelle: A woman who is a warrior at heart
Marcellina: A woman dedicated to Mars
Marcelline: Latin - Dedicated to Mars, Warlike; Female Version of Marc; A variant of the name Marcella
Marcey: A bright but hostile person
March: A name of the third month in the year, named after the God Mars
Marcheline: She is a warrior
Marchesa: A french title, a wife of Marchese
Marchi: A hostile person
Marci: A battling persion
Marcia: A warlike woman
Marcie: Latin - Dedicated to Mars, Warlike; Female Version of Marc; A variant of the name Marcella
Marciella: A young warrior
Marcy: A variation of name Marcus, a god of war
Mardava: She who is full of kindness
Mardea: The last one
Mardelle: Coming from the valley, Supplanter; He who supplants
Mardhiah: She who is loved and respected by all
Mardi: French - Born on Tuesday, Aramaic - Lady
Mardia: A wishful person
Mardie: She who is born on Tuesday
Mardina: She who is righteous and just.
Mardy: One who is Tuesday-born
Mare: Hebrew - Wished for child, Sea of bitterness; To Swell; A variant form of Maria; As Mary;
Marea: One who is of the sea
Maree: Hebrew - Wished for child, Sea of bitterness; To Swell; A variant form of Maria; As Mary;
Mareechin: Indian name for the Sun
Mareen: Latin - Of the Sea, Variant of Marie and Mary; A variant transcription of Marina
Mareesa: A latin girl name
Mareesha: She who travels a lot
Mareisa: A famous bright light
Marekyn: A wished-for child
Marelaine: A Brazilian name
Marelda: She who is famous battle maiden
Marella: A shining sea star
Marely: A sea of bitterness
Maren: A sea of sorrow
Marenda: An admirable woman
Maresa: A pregnant mother
Maressa: Latin - Of the Sea, Variant of Marie and Mary; A variant transcription of Marina
Maret: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Mareta: One who is like a pearl
Marete: Pearl, a variant of Margaret.
Maretta: A star of the sea
Marette: A shining sea
Marfa: A mistress, a lady
Marg: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Marga: One who is as beautiful as a pearl
Margaid: Armenian name meaning pearl
Margalit: A Hebrew name for pearl
Margalo: One who wears pearls
Marganor: A variation of the name Margaret meaning pearl
Margara: An old Greek name for a pearl
Margareete: Margareete is a form of Margaret and means pearl.
Margaret: A name of a saint
Margareta: A pearly one
Margarete: One who loves pearls
Margareth: British name for a pearl
Margaretha: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margarethe: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margarett: A pearl from the sea
Margaretta: She who wears pearls
Margarette: A form of the name Margaret, a pearl
Margaria: A daisy flower
Margarida: Portuguese word for daisy
Margarit: Norse name meaning pearl
Margarita: One who is as beautiful as a pearl
Margarite: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margat: Person who is a cluster of bloosoms and like a pearl
Margaux: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margawse: Arthurian legend name, mother of Gawain
Marge: A child of light
Margeaux: French name meaning pearl
Marged: Welsh girl name for pearl
Margene: One who has pearly eyes
Margeret: A name of a saint
Margeria: A daisy flower
Margerie: French name meaning daisy flower
Margery: One who is as lovely as a pearl
Margerye: A pearl-like girl
Marget: Short for Margaret meaning pearl
Margetud: German name for pearl
Margherita: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Marghuba: A coveted, desired girl
Margi: A traveler
Margie: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margita: A name for pearl
Margoria: Spanish name for Marjorie meaning pearl
Margot: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margotton: Pearl
Margred: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margret: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margreta: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margrete: French name for daisy
Margretha: Dutch name for pearl
Margrethe: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margrett: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret
Margrieta: Pearl
Margriete: Variation of the name Margaret, meanini pearl
Margrit: Old Greek - Pearl, A variation of the name Margaret