We have created a list of 23 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter X. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Xanadu: A place in China, which was once Kublai Khan's Yuan dynasty.
Xantheus: One who is golden haired.
Xanthippos: Yellow horse
Xanthos: Yellow
Xanthus: A river god.
Xenocrates: Foreigner or guest power
Xenos: Stranger
Xesús: God is salvation
Xhiva: Assamese version of Lord Shiva. It means benign, kind, auspicious
Xicohtencatl: Angry bumblebee
Xihuitl: comet
Ximeno: Son
Xipil: Noble One, of Fire
Xipilli: Jeweled prince
Xiutecuhtli: Gentleman of the fire
Xoán: Brazilian form of Juan, meaning God is gracious.
Xobeen: Spear
Xochipilli: God of love and flowers
Xochiquen: Flower garment
Xochitl: Flower
Xoese: Believe
Xolotl: Precious twin
Xurxo: Farmer