We have created a list of 229 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter I. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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I.e. hosaamud: Deen, Sword of God
Iakob: Georgian form of Jacob, meaning supplanter
Ian: God is gracious
Iancu: Romanian form of John, meaning Yahweh is gracious.
Iarere: To descend, or the descendant
Iassen: Ash tree
Iavor: Sycamore
Ibad ur Rehman: Worshiper of Allah, or devoted servant of Allah.
Iben: Harmony
Ibrahim: A variant of Ebrahim, meaning father of many nations .
Iccauhtli: The younger brother.
Ice: Adaptation of the English word, meaning frozen water/liquid
Ichtaca: Nahuatl word for secret.
Ichtacka: Secret
Icnoyotl: Nahuatl word for friendship.
Idhant: Bright and luminous
Idogbe: The second child born after twins.
Idogbe: One who is born after twins.
Idrak: To comprehend, or to understand.
Idrees: Variant of the name Idris. It means one who instructs or teaches.
Iehohapata: The Lord judges
Ieni: God is gracious and merciful
Iesa: Name of a Muslim prophet.
Ietepere: Chaste, or unmarried
Ietoro: Pre-eminence
Ife: Love, someone who is born with an innate desire to love and be loved.
Ifeanyichukwu: God is most powerful or no one is greater than God.
Ifechi: The light of God.
Ifechukwude: What God has written.
Ifekristi: The light of Christ.
Ifelewa: The beautiful love.
Ifemyolunna: What I asked of the lord.
Iffaan: Time, season or weather.
Igalâĸ: Greenlandic word for window.
Igaliko: Abandoned hearth, fireplace
Igberaharha: The poor take the blame
Igdlaoĸ: Fetus of a whale or a seal
Ige: Born feet first
Iggiánguapaluk: Dear sweet little throat
Iggiánguaĸ: Sweet little throat
Iggiaq: Throat
Ighomuedafe: Money intoxicates the wealthy
Ighovavwerhe: There is joy in riches
Igimaĸ: Foreshaft of a harpoon
Îgite: Greenlandic form of Egede, meaning oak.
Igitioluwotilaiye: The tree of God is rooted and strong.
Ignác: Fiery, alight
Ignacij: Slovene form of Ignatius. It means fire.
Ignâtiuse: Greenlandic form of Ignatius. It means fiery one.
Igor: A man protected by God.
Igwebuike: Strength in numbers.
Ihaia: God is salvation
Ihaka: He will laugh
Ihan: God's grace
Iheanacho: Precious or what everyone seeks.
Ihtishaam: One who has a splendid or magnificent personality.
Ihu: God rescues
Ihuicatl: Nahuatl word for sky.
Iisaja: Greenlandic variant of Îsaia. It means God is salvation
Ijaakaaq: Moon
Ijaaz: Miracle, astonishment, or magnanimity.
Ijay: A name of Lord Vishnu
Ijtiba: One who is chosen, elected or approved.
Ikaroa: The long part of a fish
Ikechukwu: The power of God.
Ikemba: Strength of the nation.
Ikenasio: Ikenasio is a form of Ignatius. It means fiery one.
Ikhlaaq: A man with good demeanor and moral virtues.
Ikiaq: Red spruce in Inuit language.
Ikila: How sweet you are
Ikponmwosa: Thank God, one who is thankful to God for everything.
Ikrimah: Pigeon
Ikshan: Sight
Ikshu: A Malayali word for sugarcane.
Il: Superiority
Ilarion: Bulgarian form of Hilarion, meaning happy.
Ildefonso: One who is battle ready
Ilei: My God is Yahweh
Iles: Messenger of the God.
Ilesh: Lord of the earth
Ilhicamina: He who shoots arrows at the sky
Ilhikamina: He who shoots arrows at the sky. Also, the name of a great Mexica king.
Ilhuitl: Nahuatl word for day.
Ilia: Georgian form of Elijah, meaning my God is Yahweh
Ilija: Croatian form of Elijah, meaning my God is Yahweh.
Illugi: Name of Aslak's son.
Illya: My God is He
Ilm: Knowledge
Ilmari: From Ilmarinen, the eternal hammerer, a god in Finnish mythology
Iloosha: Lord of the earth
Ilozumba: Nigerian term meaning, our distant home is forgotten.
Ilozumba: Nigerian term meaning, our distant home is forgotten.
Im: Name of a mythical giant.
Imad: Pillar, support or mainstay
Imam: Leader or chief
Imay: One with an independent nature, one who likes being independent.
Ime: A miracle
Imeda: Hope
Imen: Faith or belief
Imko: Universal
Immad: A variant of Imad, meaning pillar or support.
Imman: Safety, protection, shelter or refuge.
Imrich: Ruler of the household
Imun: One who is clean and immune.
In: Humanity or wise
In-Su: Preserving wisdom
Ina: Illuminate, light up
Inacio: Internal fire
Inapo: Wave
Inayat: Concern or attention
Inclementia: The Latin word describing 'cruelty'
Indazita: Name of the bow and arrow wielding son of the conqueror of the king of Gods.
Indeevar: A blue lotus
Inderlal: Son of the Supreme lord, Inder.
Indíbil: king of the Ilergetes
Indigo: The color dark blue
Indrabhuti: A name of Gautam Gandhar.
Indradu: Desired by Lord Indra
Indragop: Glow or light
Inegbedion: Nigerian term meaning family supports me.
Inegbedion: Nigerian term meaning family supports me.
Inesh: King of the kings
Ingemur: A famous son.
Ingharr: Son's army.
Inghram: Ing's raven.
Ingolf: Ing's wolf.
Ingouf: God Ing's wolf, warrior
Ingvar: Warrior
Inioluwa: Acquiring God's treasure.
Inko: Ancestor
Inoday: Sunrise
Insith: A leader's heart.
Intan: Diamond
Inuk: Human being, man
Inuksuk: The name refers to inuksuk, an Alaskan cairn to mark pathways. It means on the right path.
Inunnguaq: Sweet little person or man
Ioane: Older Georgian form of John, meaning Yahweh is gracious
Ion: A variant of Ioanenes, meaning God is gracious.
Iona: Form of Jonah, meaning dove
Ionatan: Romanian form of Yownathan, meaning God has given.
Ionel: "Pet form of the name Ioan, meaning ""God is gracious"
Ionut: Ionut is Romanian form of John and means God Is gracious.
Iorama: God is exalted
Iorangi: The cirrus cloud
Iordan: Descendant
Iorghu: Romanian form of the name Georgios, meaning earth-worker or farmer.
Ioseb: Georgian form of Joseph, meaning he will add
Iosif: Romanian form of Joseph, meaning God shall add (another son).
Iosua: Iosua is a variant form of the English Joshua Yahweh is salvation.
Iotama: God is perfect.
Ipsit: Desired, the desirable one
Iraia: The God wrestler
Iraianbu: Divine love
Iranga: Expressive
Iranola: A wealthy family.
Irao: A form of Hirao, meaning love or affection.
Iravan: The king of ocean.
Irikefe: First to become wealthy
Irirangi: The spirit voice
Isaac: He will laugh, he will rejoice
Isaad: A cooperative man
Isadoro: Gift of the goddess Isis
Isai: Masculinity
Isaias: God is with us
Ísak: Icelandic variant of Isaac, meaning he laughs.
Isamar: "Isamar is probably an elision of ""Isabel del Mar."
Isamotu Olalekan: Without God I'm destitute.
Isandro: Free or liberator
Isatvastra: The name of eldest son of Zarathushtra. It means voluntary agriculturist
Iseoluwa: The act of God.
Iseul: Dew
Isfandiyar: The brave king. Also the name of an Iranian king.
Ishaaq: One of the names of prophet. It means pious or true believer.
Ishaia: God is salvation.
Ishmael: God will Hear
Ishraaq: Sunrise, or daybreak, A variant of Ishraq.
Ishraq: Sunrise or day break.
Ishtiqal: Independence, or sovereignty
Isidore: One endowed with a gift of ideas
Isileli: Strength
Isinachi: One who is sent from God.
Iskandar: Iskandar is a Lebanese version of Alexander and means defender of mankind
Iskhaq: A form of Isaac. It means he laughs.
Isleif: Name of Isrod's brother.
Ismaya: God like or wise
Ismet: Innocent, saved from sin.
Isocrates: Equal power
Isolf: Son of Hrani.
Israfel: Name of the angel who blows the horn signaling Judgment Day. It means 'the burning one'.
Isrod: Name of Isleif's brother.
Issam: Safeguard
Issavi: A Persian term used for Christians.
Issur: Yiddish nickname for Israel
Istiqlal: Sovereignty, or independence. A variant of Ishtiqal.
Itai: With Me
Itamar: Island of Palms
Ithamar: Palm island
Itotia: Dance
Itsuki: Timber tree
Itzcali: House of beauty