We have created a list of 1966 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter N. This is Page 2 out of 10 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Nagalingesh: The God Shiva, Another name for Lord Shiva.
Naganan: The snake's child, or born of snake
Naganand: The son or the born of Naga.
Naganath: The biggest cobra, the ruler of the serpents.
Nagander: The big sun in the world.
Nagandra: The ruler of the black cobra.
Nagannan: The master of the snakes, the charmer
Nagapati: The master of the entire hills.
Nagappa: Father of the serpents, forefather of the cobra.
Nagappan: The ancestors of the snake
Nagar: The person who develops the community.
Nagaraj: One who possess snakes
Nagaraja: The monarch of the serpents.
Nagarajan: The Lord of all snakes.
Nagaraju: The master king of all kind of serpents.
Nagarathn: The one who has the precious diamond with him.
Nagarathna: The precious diamond of the serpents.
Nagari: The antagonist of the snakes.
Nagarin: The master of the city or town.
Nagarjun: The greatest and finest among the serpents.
Nagarjuna: The champion among the snakes.
Nagas: Additional name for the snake or cobra.
Nagasami: Master of the serpents
Nagasenan: The army of serpents
Nagaswamy: The royal emperor of the snakes.
Nagat: Highpoint or exceptional or exquisite.
Nagavanshi: One who is from the species of serpents
Nagavenkatasai: The powerful and supernatural creator of the World.
Nagdhar: The one who beautifies the hills.
Nagendra: The principal of the snakes or the master of the mountains.
Nagendran: Interesting or colorful or multi colors.
Nagesh: The ruler of all kind of serpents.
Nagesha: The emperor of the snakes.
Nageshan: The main God Shiva who is wearing the cobra around his neck.
Nageshvar: The Lord of the serpents
Nageshwar: The monarch of the cobras.
Nageshwara: The monarch of the snakes
Nageshwaran: Lord of the snakes
Nageswar: The controller of the serpents
Nageswara: One who has control over serpents
Nageven: A smart and handsome Boy
Naggar: Name of the Lord Krishna
Nagib: The decent person
Naginder: The Kings of all the serpents
Naginderbir: The bravest king of the serpents
Naginderjeet: The victory of the king of snakes
Nagkumar: The son of serpents.
Nagnath: The Lord or the deity of snakes
Nagodeallah: I thank God.
Nagpa: The saviour of the snakes
Nagpal: The person who is the protector of the serpents.
Nagpati: The companion of the serpents
Nagraj: The possessor of the snakes
Nagsen: The superior of the serpents
Nagsri: the dead of the snakes
Nagu: A gentle person, a simple one
Naguib: An innocent person
Nagulan: A wise or a clever person
Nagulesh: The Lords of the mongoose
Nagur: A state, a region
Nahad: A honourable and strong person
Naham: One who console others
Nahar: In Arabic it refers to the daytime. In Hindi it refers to a small stream of water
Nahdi: A strong and mighty tree
Nahi: One who gets into the way, who restrain others from the evil
Nahian: One who attains the height of wisdom
Nahim: The happy person who is at ease
Nahiya: An advisor, one who gives advise
Nahiyan: One who discourage from doing any wrong things
Nahro: River
Nahshon: The one who fore-tells the future
Nahuatl: Goddess of Water and rivers
Nahuel: An elegant and furious Jaguar
Nahul: A Boy with lot of powers
Nahum: The one who comforts others. One of the Prophets in
Nahush: An Indian mythological king
Nahusha: An ancient king of the Aila dynasty
Nahyan: Who discourages from doing wrong
Naif: Having a great stature
Naif nail: An acquirer or an earner
Naik: The head or the leader
Nail: One who accomplish or attains
Naim: A calm or tranquil person
Naimallah: A tranquillity from the Almighty
Naimanzuunnadintsetseg: Eight hundred precious flowers
Naimath: Bounties, a reward from the Almighty
Naimesh: A saint who can see what inside the others
Naimish: One who can read others mind
Naimullah: A comfort from the Almighty
Nainesh: The third eye of Lord Shiva
Naing: Win
Naininder: God can been seen in the eyes of this person.
Nainish: The God with the beautiful eyes
Nainoa: The one who guards the kids or small children.
Naintaar: The one who is possessing intelligent and clear eyes.
Naipaul: One who protects the eyes
Nair: The leader or the soldier
Nairab: A saint person, one who is saint
Nairi: From Armenia, the land of canyons and rivers
Nairit: The direction of south-west
Naisbit: The nose-bend of the river
Naisbitt: The nose-bend of a piece of ground
Naiser: One who is a founder of belief
Naishadh: A heroic king from Mahabharata
Naishadha: King Nala, King of Nishadha
Naishal: The mountain, as strong as mountain
Naitarpal: One who do care for the eyes
Naite: A small gift from God
Naitik: A moral person, ethical
Naivadya: The holy curd or sugar
Naivaidya: The Holy food or prasad
Naivedhya: Prasad of Goddess Durga
Naiym: Free from all the worries
Najaf: A mighty hillock. Name of a holy city of Iraq
Najair: A small or tiny star
Najam: A star, relates to heaven
Najar: One who works as a carpenter
Najee: One who survives, a survivor
Najeeb: An intelligent noble person
Najeeh: The judgement or a sentiment
Naji: A rescued one, act of being rescued
Najib: An Aristocrat, noble person
Najibuddin: An aristocrat of the faith or belief
Najid: A brave soul. Bravest of all
Najinca: A sudden flight or wild dispersion
Najiullah: One who is saved by the Allah
Najjar: One who took carpentry as a profession
Najjash: A serpent from Rio Negro
Najm: A star, a bright star of the constellation
Najm al din: The star of the religion
Najm udeen: The star of the faith or belief
Najmaldin: A star among the religion
Najmeddin: The shining star of the faith
Najmuddawlah: The star of the princely state
Najmuddeen: The religion's star
Najmuddin: A bright star among the religion
Najmudeen: The religion's bright an beautiful star
Najur: The master of the landside, the one who has a big mind.
Najy: Innocent or Harmless or Benign or Nonviolent
Nakadhipa: The King of the Paradise
Nakanatha: The master or the ruler of the paradise.
Nakapati: The aristocrat of ecstasy.
Nakarasan: A practical individual, materiaistic
Nakesh: The characteristic parts of a human face.
Nakesha: The monarch or ruler of blue havens.
Nakhraj: Resembling the moon that is shining in the dark sky.
Nakia: Unpolluted or truthful or wholesome or realistic.
Nakin: The one who abides in paradise.
Nakir: The angel of Justice
Nakkan: Melody or poetess or exciting or matriarch.
Nakkeeran: The name of one of the greatest poets.
Nakkina: A unique, tidy and cool individual
Naksatraraja: The ruler or monarch of the star planet.
Naksh: A drawing or a sketch
Nakshathran: The sovereign or royal of the star planet.
Nakshatra: The deity form or figure of the stars.
Nakshith: Something drawn or sketched
Nakshvardhan: The king of the stars
Nakul: A mongoose, A sharp-minded
Nakula: The sharp animal, mongoose
Nakulesh: The monarch or mongoose
Nal: An ancient Indian King
Nalak: One who is a worshipper of Lord Buddha
Nalan: An honest king
Nalankilli: A King or the praised emperor
Nalda: Capable of producing great physical force
Naldo: A mighty person, a strong person
Nalesh: Lord Vishnu, the preserver
Nalinikant: The companion of Lotus
Nalinikanta: The spouse of the Nalini or lotus
Nalisha: The Goddess of Lotus, Goddess Lakshmi
Nalladurai: Who possess love for mankind, honest person
Nallaiyan: An honest person, having disposition of good
Nallalagan: A very handsome and smart man
Nallamuthu: A gracious pearl
Nallanban: A pleasant forest
Nallannan: Gracious brother
Nallaperumal: The gracious Lord Venkateshwara
Nallappa: A graceful father or parents
Nallappan: Father who is very graceful
Nallarasan: The great taste juice, tasty juice
Nallasivan: The graceful Lord Shiva
Nallathambi: Graceful young brother
Nallavan: A generous person
Nallenan: A person with good deeds
Nalliah: A sensitive and confident individual, quick tempered
Nallisami: The possessor of good health
Nallusami: One who is always free from illness
Nam: Possessing good qualities befitting a man.
Nama: The name of a tree which produces tea leaves.
Namacharya: another name for Haaridas Thakur.
Namacuix: King
Namadev: One of the ancient sacred people.
Namadeva: The Lord of the name, a sacred person
Namagiri: One who posses a name, a famous person
Namah: The action of bow down or curtsy.
Namaha: Pleading or praying to God in a acceptable way.
Naman: Bow down before the creator or salaam or greeting.
Namas: One who is like a little sturgeon bird
Namasthetu: Defeater or overcomer of all demon or evil powers and authorities.
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