We have created a list of 1466 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter R. This is Page 6 out of 8 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Roep: A call of cry
Roesia: A woman who is like a rose
Rogelyn: A created, modern American name with no specific meaning
Rogene: A person who has a legendary spear
Roheen: An Iron-strong woman
Roheis: A true image of a woman
Roheisia: To see a true image of a woman
Rohese: A legendary female horse
Rohesia: A woman who is like a famous horse
Rohi: An ascending man
Rohine: One who is sparkling with fame
Rohini: One who is like the stars and the moon
Rohita: A daughter of Lord Brahma
Roisia: One who is like arosary, like beads
Roisin: A beautiful and little rose
Roja: Rose Flower, Red
Rojan: Kurdish word for daily
Rojin: One who is like a sun, pretty
Rokilda: A german baby girl name
Roksana: She who is bright as a down
Rola: A name of the Arab tribe
Rolanda: A woman who is very famous and notable
Rolande: She is legendary and famous girl
Rollande: Germanic - From the famous land, Renowned; Famous Land; A variant form of name Rolanda
Romaana: A woman who is from a Rome
Romaicia: One who is like a bouqet of flowers
Romaine: A woman who is from Rome
Romaisa: She who is like a bunch of flowers
Romana: A Roman woman
Romane: A name of the Roman woman
Romanitza: One from Rome.
Rome: An Italian city, an ancient city of Rome
Romeeka: A girl who is from an ancient city of Rome
Romeesa: A woman with a heaven's beauty
Romena: She who comes from the city of Rome
Romhilda: A glorious battle maid.
Romi: A Roman young girl
Romika: A girl of the sky
Romil: One who is renowned in the lands
Romilda: A battle maid who found her glory
Romilly: A Boy from Rome
Romily: She who is from Rome
Romina: One who comes from the land of the Christianitys
Rominah: Pomegrante colour, a shade of purple
Romini: Pretty
Romola: A maiden from Rome
Romona: One who has protecting hands
Romula: One who is a Roman woman
Romy: A person from Rome, or can also mean Rosemary
Rona: Hebrew - Joy is mine, Old English - Fame; Friend; Spear; Pike; White; Fair; Blessed; Holy; Fair Haired; A variant spelling of Rhona
Rona: Kurdish word for illumination
Ronaele: Old Greek - A name formed by spelling Eleanor backwards,
Ronaleah: A woman who is a great counselor
Ronalee: One who is a healer from Rome
Ronat: Celtic - Resembling a Seal
Rond: A tree of a sweet scent
Ronda: Welsh - Good Spear, Grand; A spelling variant of name Rhonda
Rondalyn: A made up modern name
Ronee: A grand, big person
Ronelle: A woman whose advices give power
Ronette: She who brings joy with songs
Rong: A person who brings honor and prosper
Rongo: Peace, peace loving people
Ronia: A joy that belongs to me
Ronica: True image or strong counsel
Ronilda: An english name for the baby girl
Ronja: A daughter of a robber
Ronke: A person who has someone to pamper
Ronna: Old Greek - Bearer of victory, True image; Old Norse - Well advised ruler; A variant of Rhonda; Derived From Veronica
Ronni: To give strong counsel
Ronny: One who owns the legendary lands
Ronya: She who is a daughter of a robber
Ronza: An Arabic female name
Roobee: A ruby-like woman
Roobi: A woman who is like a ruby and a pearl
Roohee: A very spiritual woman
Roohi: A music tune that touches the heart
Roopali: A woman who is considered pretty
Roopam: A female who is beautiful
Roopindar: God Of Beauty, One who is divinely beautiful
Roopini: A girl who is beutiful and pretty
Roopjot: Beauteous Light, One whose form is bright; radiant and luminant
Rooroo: One who is a friend and a companion
Roos: One who is like a rose
Roosi: Estonian form of Rosie. It means rose flower.
Roosje: To be like a rose
Ropa: A woman with a strong blood
Ros: A woman with the qualities of a rose
Rosa: A woman who is like a dew
Rosabel: A beautiful rose
Rosabella: Beautiful as a rose
Rosabelle: A woman who is a beautiful rose
Rosaelia: The rose of a God
Rosalba: She who is like a white rose
Rosaleah: A Roman citizens
Rosalee: She who lives in a rose garden
Rosaleen: She is a garden full of roses
Rosaleigh: She is a rose
Rosali: Latin - Rose, A variant form of name Rosalia
Rosalia: Laitn - Rose, Germanic - Horse Shield of lime wood; pretty rose
Rosalice: A woman noble as a rose
Rosalicia: One with the nobility of a rose
Rosalie: Latin - Rose, A variant form of name Rosalia
Rosalija: Rose
Rosalina: A girl with a lips of a rose
Rosalind: Latin - Rose, A variant form of name Rosalia
Rosalinda: A woman pretty as a rose
Rosaline: She is as pretty as a flower rose
Rosalva: Woman who is a write rose
Rosalyn: Latin - Rose, A variant form of name Rosalia
Rosalynd: A woman soft and tender as a rose's petal
Rosalynn: A horse who is gentle as a rose
Rosamaria: One who is a rose, a dew of a sea
Rosamond: A protection of the horses
Rosamonde: A variation of the name Rose. It means rose.
Rosamund: Germanic - Horse protector, Rose of the world; Pure Rose; A variant form of name Rose
Rosamunda: Whe who is like the wild roses
Rosamunde: A woman who is a wild rose
Rosana: A woman graceful as a rose
Rosangela: A woman who is like an angel rose
Rosangelica: An angelic rose
Rosann: A favor and a grace of a rose
Rosanna: A gift and a grace of a rose flower
Rosannah: A favor and grace like a rose's
Rosanne: A loveliness of a rose
Rosaria: A lady of the rosary
Rosarita: An uncommon name that means rosary
Rosarja: A rosy woman
Rosary: A garden made of roses
Rosaura: One who is a rose
Rose: A beautiful flower
Rosealyn: A beautiful and gorgeous rose
Roseann: A rose flower that is gracious
Roseanna: A rose full of favor and grace
Roseanne: Latin - Rose, Graceful Rose; A combination name of Rose and Anne; A variant spelling of the English name Rosanne
Roseen: A rosy girl
Roseia: One as gorgeous as a rose
Rosel: A woman of roses
Roselen: She who holds the beauty of the roses
Roselet: One who reselmbles a rose
Roselie: A woman who resembles a rose
Roselin: A woman whose hair is as red as a rose
Roselina: She who resemles a rose
Roseline: A pretty of a rose
Rosella: She who has all the beauty of a rose
Roselle: She who posseses the roses beauty
Roselma: A famous rose-like woman
Roselyn: Woman with rose-red hair
Roselyne: A woman with cheeks and lips of a rose
Rosemah: One who is as beautiful as a rose.
Rosemarie: A sorrow,bitter rose
Rosemary: A bitterness and sorrow of a rose
Rosemond: A pure rose of protection
Rosemonde: A pure protection that the rose like woman gives
Rosemunda: She is a protector as pure as a rose
Rosen: Cornish word meaning rose.
Rosena: A woman who looks and smells like a rose
Rosene: A rosy looking young girl
Rosenwyn: Cornish word meaning fair rose.
Rosephanye: A woman whose beauty makes her like a rose
Roses: Plural of rose. Many roses
Rosetta: A small, little, but beautiful rose
Rosette: A petitte woman who is like a little rose
Rosey: She who is much like a rose
Roshan: Brightness of the light
Roshana: A woman who is bright like a light of a dawn
Roshanak: Star of magnificence, Shining Star; Luminous Beauty; Lovely Flare; Bright Light
Roshaney: People who are celebrated among other men
Roshina: The one who gives light
Roshini: A lightess and brightess
Roshita: Illuminated
Roshna: A bright glow of a woman
Roshni: Shining and glowing of a girl
Rosi: She looks exactlly like a rose
Rosia: To resamble a rose
Rosica: One who is like a little dew drop
Rosie: A flower name, the most beautiful of all
Rosina: Woman who is like a little rose
Rosine: Woman who is like a flower, like a rose
Rosita: One sho is like a baby rose
Rositsa: Dew drops on a rose flower
Roslyn: She is is like the most beautiful rose
Roslynn: She who hold the rose's beauty
Rosmerta: A Goddes of fertility and abundance
Rosnai: A woman who is like a bolt of lightning
Rosni: A lightning woman
Rossa: Beautiful Flower, A variant of Rose
Rossana: She who brings the brightness of a dawn
Rosse: A headland or a cape
Rossie: A rose of beauty that can't be compared
Rossitva: Rose, rose flower.
Rostinka: The usurper of glory.
Rostislava: The usurper of glory.
Roswitha: One who is famous for his strenght
Rosy: A pretty little rose-like girl
Rota: Flower
Rotha: A beautiful country.
Rothais: A germanic female name
Roudri: A woman who is like a Sun ray
Rouhi: A female, woman name of Muslim origin