We have created a list of 1359 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter L. This is Page 6 out of 7 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Lokajit: Conqueror of World, One who has won over the world; Victorious Emperor of the world
Lokakanta: One of many names of Lord Vishnu signifying him as protector of universe
Lokakriti: Creator of the universe
Lokakshi: Eye of the world, Eye of the Universe
Lokamaya: A form of Goddess Durga
Lokanand: Happiness of the world, Joy of the universe
Lokanath: Lord of All Worlds, Supreme Being in the Universe
Lokanathan: Name of Lord Shiva
Lokanetra: Eyes of the world
Lokaniya: Rule of the world, Righteous principles of the world
Lokapradip: Light of the World, Brilliance and brightness of the world; One of the many names of Lord Brahma
Lokapujya: Name of Lord Hanuman, worshipped by the universe
Lokasundar: Most Handsome person in the world, Attractive and appealing person
Lokasunder: Most Handsome person in the world, Attractive and appealing person
Lokavya: One who deserves heaven, One who deserves the world of God
Lokbhushan: Jewel, ornament of the world
Loke: From name Loki, Norse trickster God
Lokej: Guardian of honour
Lokender: One of many names of Lord Shiva considering him as the supreme being of Universe
Lokendra: One of many names of Lord Shiva considering him as the supreme being of Universe
Lokesh: Name of Lord Brahma, ruler of the world
Lokesha: One of many names of Lord Shiva considering him as the supreme being of Universe
Lokeshwar: One of many names of Lord Shiva considering him as the supreme being of Universe
Lokhande: A surname of Maharashtrian Origin, A sub-clan of the Bhoite clan of Marathas
Lokhu: Lucky Person, Well destined; Good Fortune; Blessed
Loki: Nordic God Loki, the trickster
Lokin: One who possesses the World, Owner of the world; Lord; God
Lokit: The enlighted being, Lord; God; One who has conquered the materialistic world
Loklaj: Honour of the preple
Lokmeet: One who is friend of the people
Loknaath: Lord of the World, God of the World; Supreme being of the world
Loknath: Lord of the world
Lokpal: Defender, protector of the people
Lokpradeep: Gautham Buddha
Lokprakash: One who light the world, light of the world
Lokprasad: Light of the World, Brilliance and brightness of the world; Blessing of the world
Lokpreet: People lover, one who has great love for the people
Lokprem: One who loves people
Lokraaj: The one who rules people
Lokranjan: Name of Lord Vishnu
Lokroop: Embodiment of the people
Loksewak: The one who is absorbed in serving others
Loksurya: Good Boy, obedient Boy
Lokya: Lord of All Worlds, Supreme Being in the Universe
Lol: An inspirational and expressive human being
Lolaksi: The Power of Lord Ganesha, Brilliance, brightness and radiance of Lord Ganesha
Lolika: King, Ruler; Emperor; Leader; Chief
Lolonyo: African name meaning Love is beautiful
Lolovivi: Love is always there
Lomaharshana: Light of the World, Brilliance and brightness of the world; Radiance of the world
Loman: A bare and empty place
Lomasa: Name of a Rishi, Hairy; Wooly; Shaggy
Lomash: Sage, a plant that has many healing propreties
Lombard: A long-bearded person
Lomesh: Name of a Rishi
Lon: Person as fierce as a Lion
Lonan: A Zuni Tribe name that means Cloud
Lonato: A Flint stone
Londen: A modern place name, meaning one from London
London: A place name after the city London, England
Lonell: A lion cub
Loner: A person who enjoys solitude
Long: A mythical creature, Dragon
Longin: From Latin name Longinus, means long
Lonn: A strong, firce person
Lonnard: A person of a character like a Lion
Lonnell: A young lion, a lion cub
Lonni: A warrior who is noble and always battle-ready
Lonnie: Noble person who is alwats ready for a battle
Lonny: A noble and ready person
Lony: A man of noble and accessible character
Lonyn: Battle-ready, skillful and noble person
Lonzo: Short of Alonzo, A noble and ready person
Lookman: Name of wisdom man mentioned in the Quran
Loot: Something that is hidden adn covered
Lopesh: To mingle, To get mixed; To disapper
Loran: One who comes from Laurentum
Lorance: He came from the place of Lime trees
Lorand: He who came from famous lands
Lorant: A land of fame
Lorca: A place name of the region Navarre in Spain
Lorcan: A little but fierce warrior
Lord: A keeper of loaf
Lord shiva: A Hindu God, Lord Shiva
Loren: From Laurel, means a man from Laurentum
Lorence: A person who comes from the place of lime trees
Lorencio: A form of Lawrence, meaning from Laurentum.
Lorencz: He who is from ancient Laurentum region
Lorens: A man from Laurentum, ancient Italian city
Lorents: Comes from ancient Italian city, Laurentum
Lorentz: A variant of Lorenz which is a German form of Laurence
Lorenz: Place name, an Italian city Laurentum
Lorenzo: He who lived in Italian city Laurentum
Loreto: A place name, ancient city of Laurentum
Loretto: A Boy from ancient Italian city Laurentum
Lorian: A person who symbolises the honor of a victory
Loriann: He is a symbol of Honor and Victory
Lorien: A God of Dreams, a name invented by Tolkien
Lorimar: Occupational name, saddle maker
Lorimer: Latin occuational name, harness maker
Lorin: Variation of Laurel, meaning the one coming from a place of laurel trees
Lorinc: He who is from town Laurentum
Loring: German name for someone who is famous in battle
Loritz: German variation of the name Laurel, laurel tree crown
Lorn: One who is Forsaken, Famous bearer
Lorne: The name of an early Scottish chieftain and a place name.
Loro: Great Power, Mighty; Strong
Lorrimer: Harness maker
Lorring: He who is famous in battle
Lorta: An expressive, funny and good natured individual
Loshith: Lot of love, one who is full of love
Lot: Covered up, veiled person.
Lotachukwu: Remember God
Lotan: Biblical name describing something that is hidden, wrapped up
Lotanna: Remember the father or the God
Lotario: Italian name for soldier of the people
Lotfallah: Favour of Allah
Lotfi: One who is soft and tender
Loth: Arthurian name,French for Lion
Lothair: The one who fights, fame in battle
Lothaire: Famous army
Lothar: Renowed fighter, warrior
Lotharing: Well know in battle for his victories
Lotis: Lives by the stronghold, Surname referring to a Locksmith; Fortified Place
Loton: One who is from the farm on the hillside
Lott: Man who is free
Lotte: Man who has his freedom
Lou: French name for famous soldier, good warrior
Louden: Valley of the wolves
Loudoce: He who is from the valley below
Loudon: Man from the low valley
Loue: Renowed warrior
Louheithi: One with ggod judgements and has restless nature
Louie: From French name Louis meaning Knight, warrior
Louis: French name meaning Great knight, brave warrior
Loukas: Latin name describing light
Loumarch: A lonely, amusing and moderate human being
Louvain: Place name, town in Belgium
Lov: The one who vows
Lovechild: Child born out of love
Lovecraft: One who is skilled, strength
Lovedeep: A person who puts everyone before themselves
Loveen: A persoon consumed in love and adoration
Lovel: One who is like a young wolf
Loveleen: To Inbue, absorb or infuse
Lovell: A wolf cub
Lovely: Beautiful, charming and alluring one
Loveneesh: A name of the God of Love, a lovable person
Lovepal: Love to God
Lovepreet: Loving and an affectionate person
Loverich: Loved and appreciated person
Loverick: A person who loves deeply
Lovernaci: One who finds love easily
Lovernacus: Love has found him
Lovernii: One who is loved and respecred
Loverun: A feeling of love and adoration
Lovesh: A modern Indian name referring to Love, Lovable Person
Lovett: A person who has the qualities of a young wolf
Loveyansh: Part of Lady and Man, Love
Lovice: A person in love
Lovika: Love at First Sight
Lovino: A man who is loved by many
Lovis: A famous warrior
Lovish: Famous Battle, A modern Indian name referring to Love; Lovable Person
Lovpreet: A person who has a loving personality
Lovprem: A person with infatuating personality
Lovre: Short form of Lovrenco. It means from Laurentum.
Lovrenc: Slovene form of Laurentius, meaning from Laurentum.
Lovrenco: Croatian form of Lawrence, meaning from Laurentum.
Lovro: Short form of Lovrenc.
Lovyam: Sun, Bright, Brilliant, Splendid and Glorious like Sun
Lowden: One from the Low Valley
Lowe: A person who is like a young wolf, used as a surname
Lowell: A dearly loved one
Lowen: Cornish vocabulary name meaning joyful.
Lowie: One who fought in a famous battle
Lowis: A warrior that fought famously in a battle
Lowise: Religious and devine one
Loxley: One who lives on the glade by the lake
Loy: An elderly person with a grey hair, a wise man
Loyal: A faitful and devoted person
Loyd: A wise grey-haired man
Lu'ay: Brave, strong and courageous man
Luai: A strong and steady person
Luay: A couragrous and strong person
Lubaib: Genuine, pure man
Lubaid: An old name from Arabia
Lubanzi: Wide and deep or broad
Lubayd: An old Arabian name
Lubayna: A companion of Muhammad
Lubdhaka: Hunter, Covetous or Greedy man; Star Sirius
Lubin: A heart of the sea
Lubomir: Lover of the peace
Lubos: Love's peace
Luboslaw: He who loved the glory
Luc: From Lucania, a region in South Italy
Luca: Place name, a region in southern Italy
Lucan: One who comes from the city of Luca in Toscany
Lucas: One who gives light
Lucca: He who illimnates