We have created a list of 106 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter U. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Ubaid: Faithful
Ubaida: Servant of God
Uberto: Bright mind, Intelligent; Italian form of Hubert; Bright Spirit;
Uchadev: One of the names of Lord Vishnu.
Uchith: Correct
Udai: To rise, the rising
Udaki: Name of the king of Minni.
Udanda: Nemesis of evils and vices.
Udant: The correct message
Udar: Generous
Udarathi: One of the names of Lord Vishnu.
Udarchis: A name of Lord Shiva.
Udayachal: The eastern horizon.
Udayan: Uprising
Udbhav: Creation or to arise from.
Udeep: Flood
Udo: One with great fortune.
Udolf: A wolf ruler
Udumebraye: My presence gives them heartache
Ueman: Venerable time
Uggi: Fear of something, phobia, fear
Ugyen: To grow
Uhila: Lightning
Uhwokori: The one who is born in Uhwokori
Ujesh: The one who gives light.
Ujjal: Bright, clean, lovely
Ujurak: Ujurak is a variant of Ujarak. It means rock.
Ukubu: Reward
Ulagan: A worldly man
Ulbrecht: Germanic - Famous for his inheritance, Nobly Famous; Aristocratic and bright; A variation of Albert
Úlf: Wolf.
Ulfert: Protector of the inheritance
Ulfhrafn: A combination of the words wolf and raven.
Ulfr: Wolf
Ulfred: Wolf of peace
Úlfur: Wolf in Icelandic language. A variant of Ulfr.
Ulhas: Delight or joy.
Uli: A noble leader
Ulisses: Angry or to hate
Ulman: Germanic - Man from Ulm, Germancy; A variation of Ulman is Ullman
Uloho: Iroko tree
Ulrich: Prosperity and power.
Ulugbek: Great chieftain
Ulzhalgas: Son or boy that continues prolongation
Umakant: A name of Lord Shiva. It means husband of Uma.
Umanga: Enthusiasm or excitement. One who is full of enthusiasm.
Umar: Umar is a variant of 'Omar' and means flourishing.
Umarah: A non-mandatory pilgrimage made by Muslims to Mecca.
Umesh: One of the many names of Lord Murugan. It means God of Uma.
Umiaktorvik: River
Umoja: Unity or harmony
Umukoro: Young man
Un-Nefer: God of the dead.
Unfrid: The one who gives peace.
Unnabh: Highest, the peak
Unnat: Progress or development.
Upangshu: Winner, winner in all fields.
Upanshu: Chanting the hymns or mantras in a low tone
Upendra: One of the many names of Lord Vishnu.
Upendra: A name of Lord Vishnu. It means an element.
Upendranath: Upendranath is a variant of Upendra and means Lord Visnhu.
Upravda: The upright one.
Upshobhin: He who is brilliant and bright
Uras: The God of light.
Urbain: Of the city
Urh: Slovene form of Ulrich, meaning 'prosperity and power'.
Urhie: River
Uri: God is my light
Uriel: My light, one of God's angels
Urien: Privileged birth.
Uril: My light
Urjamedh: He who is strong and intelligent
Urmish: The one full of feelings for everyone.
Uroš: Man or lord
Urrab: The one who is eloquent and fluent.
Urs: The bear
Ursa: Gothic form of Ursula, meaning little female bear
Uruthiran: A name of Lord Shiva
Urvish: Lord of the earth
Urwah: Support
Usain: Small, beautiful or humble. It could also be a variation of Hussain.
Usakirana: The first light of dawn.
Usama: Lion
Usama: Lion, one who is as brave as lion.
Ushapati: Husband of dawn or sun
Usman: Usman is a variant of 'Uthman' and means servant of God
Uta: Man who prospers in battles.
Uthman: Name of one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad.
Utkarsh: Awakening or prosperity.
Utkrishta: Best, the best amongst everyone.
Utpal: Lotus, water lily or beginning.
Utpal: Beginning, or a water lily
Utsang: Embrace
Utsarg: One who is dedicated towards whatever he does, dedicating.
Utsav: Celebration or festival.
Uttam: The best from the rest.
Uukkarnit: Calved ice
Uvo: Dry or sunny season
Uwais: A small wolf
Uwe: Point, edge
Uxío: A man who is well born and well fed
Uzair: Arabic - Helpful, The name Uzayr is a variant of Uzair
Uzeir: He who helps.
Uziel: God is my strength
Uzoma: One born during a journey
Uzziah: God is strong