Meaning of Obtuseness in Hindi - हिंदी में मतलब

Ayush Rastogi
Mar 07, 2020   •  0 views
  • भोथरापन

  • मंदता

Synonyms of "Obtuseness"

Antonyms of "Obtuseness"

"Obtuseness" शब्द का वाक्य में प्रयोग

  • The blame for the looting in Iraq, therefore, lies not with the coalition forces but with the Iraqis themselves. Yes, the coalition should have prepared better, but Iraqis alone bear moral responsibility for the cultural wreckage. This conclusion has two implications. Middle East specialists have yet again confirmed their political obtuseness. And Iraqis have signaled that they will act in ways highly unwelcome to the coalition.
    बर्बरता की यह करिवाई अत्यन्त अस्वाभविक थी और एक मात्र उदाहरण 90 - 91 में इराकी करिवाई के रूप में था ।

