Money Makes Man Or Man Makes Money

Ayush Naithani
Apr 09, 2019   •  168 views
Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants.

The part played by money in our everyday life is very important indeed. We need money to buy food

and pay our bills. In this modern world, most of the things that we want, material or otherwise can
be obtained in exchange for money. Without money one’s life becomes misery.
It is thus not surprising to find that many people place money making as their top priority in life. This

attitude is fine as long as they remember that there are other facets of life in which money is not
required. Quite often money cannot buy these things at all. For example, one’s health; money can
buy the best medical care available, but if proper attention has not been paid to one’s health, there

will come a time when no money in the world can return one to good health. In fact, almost
everyone prefers to be healthy than rich.

Nevertheless, we do need money. So it is wise for every able-bodied person to do some sort of work
so that he or she can be paid for the work done. Work in exchange for money works well in general.
However, for some people, the lure of money becomes overwhelming. Greed blinds them and they
spend their whole in pursuing money. The methods employed in this pursuit are not subject to any
law or reason. As long as they make a profit, they will do it even though they might hurt themselves

and make enemies in the process. Time and again we hear stories of people caught in this money-
In today’s world, the majority of the people lament about money, or rather, the lack of it. They are

always trying to make ends meet. There is always an unsettled bill to pay. It seems that this situation

occurs because people are always living beyond their means.

Then there are some people who want money but indulge in foul means to acquire it. We have con-
men, thieves, kidnappers, thieves and gangsters operating in the midst of society. Sometimes these
felons are caught and punished, but they will never be eliminated completely. This is because our
very societal structure produces these criminals. We are all taught from young to pursue money and
how to be successful. However, there is a well known fact excess of everything is bad and we must
keep this in our mind. Being stingy won’t help us in any way. So we should live a life of our choice

and in desire to earn too much one should not forget to live a life.
In sum and substance it is clear that virtually every individual is after money-making in some form or

other, be it earning an honest living or getting money from the point of a gun, it is the degree of
social acceptability of effort that is exerted to obtain money that varies from person to person. Each

person has/her choice- to make money and use money wisely, or let money become his master.

