Happiness is the state of being happy. When people are successful, delightful, cheerful, joyful and even have good spirits then they are mainly happy. Happiness always comes from ourself, our positivity and even from our positive thoughts.
Even since the 1960s, happiness research has been conducted in a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including gerontology, social psychology clinical, etc.
Happiness is a choice for everyone, we should always try to make ourselves happy. Happiness even helps us to cure many medical problems like High Blood Pressure, Headache, Heart Attack, etc. Even the color Yellow signifies the color of happiness.
There are many ways to remain happy-:
Exercise more- Lots of studies says that exercise releases the good mood endorphins so due to which we should always do lots of exercises.
Think positive- Best way to be happy is to think positive no matter whatsoever situation comes we should always try to think positive.
Write why are you grateful- Feeling and thinking about the things you are grateful for as you wake up is the best way to build more happiness.
Focus on a life you want to live- It means that we should always focus on the life we want to live like. We should not do that thing which we don't like to do.
Happiness is the key to success if you really want to achieve success then we should find happiness in each and everything which will in return helps us to achieve our life goals and even be focused on what we actually are and capable of.
Even the Happiest person of this universe Dalai Lama says that I BIELIVE THAT VERY PURPOSE OF LIFE IS TO SEEK HAPPINESS. Happiness always comes from inside so we should stop finding happiness outside this world instead we should find happiness within us and should even perform each and every thing which gives us happiness and even motivates us to fulfill our goals and making our each and every dream comes true. Once we find happiness in ourselves then we will be the happiest person of this whole world. Even if we started making each and everyone happy around us then we can finally make ourselves happy to as surroundings even decide the happiness of a person. If a person wants to be Happy then he should mainly focus on what all he likes and love to do as Happiness in performing a work increases the capacity to fulfill that work in the most effective and efficient manner. Happiness will even increase our chances to adapt the environment which is near us and no matter whatsoever problem appears to us we will always find a reason to remain happy and to fulfill our each and every dream. And by our inner happiness we can make this whole world so beautiful and even this beautiful world will give us lots of fun to live our life and to fulfill all our dreams.