Don’T Compare Yourself With Others, No One Can Play Your Role Better Than You

Ayush Khanna
Jun 22, 2019   •  1461 views

Comparing between people is one of the most common thing that people do today. Don’t compare yourself with others, No one can play your role better than you. Comparison means an estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two or more things or people. Nowadays, the new trend has started for a comparison between people by themselves only. Even they have started thinking that if a work is not performed by them completely then they are useless even the chances are they started neglecting their own talent.

Nowadays, when people are not able to fulfill their jobs or work assigned to them they start copying from others as well and forget about their own beliefs due to which they forget their own worth. And if the person is provided with any work to perform he mainly started finding someone who is even performing the same tasks due to which it will become easy for him to copy others due to which his uniqueness and talent to perform the work fades.

Everyone should have their own weakness and own strength. They should always work on their weakness and should turn them into their strength even and should be able to motivate himself by providing something or other. If a person starts comparing himself with others then there will be no uniqueness in his work and in today’s scenario firms and people are providing jobs and work to those who have some unique and specific talent in them which will help the firm to raise its profit margins and will be even able to have a good goodwill in the market and will be even different from their competitors. Hence, we should never copy others and should be proud of our own talent and uniqueness and should perform each and every task to polish our own abilities and talent. We should even beilive in our own abilites which will increase our confiedent. Even if we compare ourself with others then we are only insulting ourselves even our talents. If we always stay highly motivated and be self confiedent for who we are then we will be highly unstoppable and will beileve in our inner talents and will make our all dreams come true and will make a solution for each and every problem we suffer without any tension or hesitation. Be confident about the decisions which you are going to take and do each and every thing to make your dreams come true.

