Ethical Hacking And Interesting Facts About It

Arpita Papalkar
Jan 21, 2019   •  51 views

Nowadays, ethical hacking is one of the most trending techniques. You may be wondering what is ethical hacking and why it is growing so much day by day. So let's learn what is ethical hacking.

Ethical hacking involves hacking or accessing any computer system but in the authorised or licensed manner.It exactly involves copying the technique that attackers are using to gain back the control and hence protect the data to be exploited by attackers. Ethical hackers have the permission for hacking from the organization or department whose systems they are going to hack.

Ethical hacking work on these four protocols:
1.They have to stay legal.
2.They should not disclose the data they are hacking outside an organization.
3.They should tell the organization loopholes in their system and provide remediation for the same.
4.Their hacking should be limited to only legal boundaries agreed by the organization.

Why ethical hacking is approved?
Ethical hackers are different from malicious attacking hackers as they use their knowledge and ability in order to safeguard data and not to misuse them. This hacking is done under the organization’s consent. They look for vulnerabilities and the proper solutions to be provided to safeguard the systems. Malicious hackers hack the device for personal use or financial gains.

Ethical hackers first look for all the information about the attacker. Once they found out every information and their motto they use the same vulnerability against them by counter-attacking their system.

Some Interesting Facts:
•23% of ethical hackers are Indian which is leading while US at second with 20% hackers.
•58% of hackers are self-taught.
•90% hackers are younger than 35.
•In 2014, Yahoo suffered the biggest cyber attack. 3 billion of its accounts were hacked.
•35% of the hackers of Indian sites were from China followed byUS (17%)
•White hat hackers on HackerOne’s network have earned over $26 million in bug bounty money in the last five years.

