Tips And Tricks To Increase Height

Aparna Gupta
May 31, 2019   •  133 views

Height in common words basically deals with the tallness or shortness of a person. It tends to be the most appealing and attractive trademark of a person’s psyche. The physical size and characteristics of a mortal is an innate trait in biology.

Height is the measure a human from his head to his foot. It is mostly correlated to bigness. The study of height is known as ‘Anthropometry’. The variations in the heights of a population are largely due to genetics, birth, upbringing, health care system and environmental changes.

Every person has an age up till which he/she grows and as per the researchers, an individual grows maximum till the age of 26. But, these processes are purely individualistic and depend upon how the hormonal changes are engraved within. There are three basic factors which affect the growth:

  1. Hormonal Ruling

  2. Strong Carcasses

  3. Decent Nourishment

Here’s a list of some food materials which can help one to increase individual heightsignificantly.


Having chicken eggs daily one or two in number enhances one in psyche and makes the bodily frame more immune to diseases. The various sources present in the eggs arevitamins, and metals like Zinc, Calcium, etc.


The meat of buffaloes is commonly known as beef. The beef is comprised of several vitamins and proteins. It helps in enhancing the metabolism and also helps one to fight from diseases prone in and out.


Veggies which are red and orange in color, contain significant amounts of vitamins such as Vitamin A. Green vegetables are a necessity to take in and these provide us with a lot of body energizing materials.


These are Vitamin E rich items and help strengthening the bone tissues which in turn is a great food for increasing and improving height.


Seafood such as Shellfish is a Vitamin B12 rich element. It is a source of high protein and carbohydrates. It is an excellent food material in enhancing height and growth.

Oily Fish

Rich in Vitamin A and D, oily fish has capabilities to produce bone forming cells. When these vitamins are absorbed by one’s body frame, it helps in efficient growth and suspension.


Honey is an impactful source of energy and is a necessity for the bodily growth. It is something which is even beneficial to a high sugar level patient as it does not affect the insulin level.

Today, the present youth is more aligned towards the medicinal cures, but the major impact is through the materials which are naturally inhibited with a large amount of energy. At present. it is not the matter of fact ofhow to increase height, unless it is a critical aspect of being healthier and immune to the unwanted and the unbearable diseases. To ensure this, one should keep in mind several important points like:

  1. Avoid skipping meals

  2. Have regular breakfast

  3. Eat and chew well

  4. Prefer boiled food stuffs

  5. Prefer small amounts of salt

  6. Consume raw veggies

  7. Have excess of water each day

  8. Do not exercise after your meals

  9. Exercise regularly

  10. Have adequate and sound sleep

Keep these little but much effective points in mind and stay healthy and joyful!



Profile of Aparna Gupta
Aparna Gupta  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of Wajahat Mir
Wajahat Mir  •  5y  •  Reply
Its well written but I'm sorry none of it works, it's all genetics and luck. I have some articles on my page which I am sure you will like..
Profile of Aparna Gupta
Aparna Gupta  •  5y  •  Reply
Thanks to everyone ❤️
Profile of Nayonika
Nayonika  •  5y  •  Reply
Profile of S S Prasad
S S Prasad   •  5y  •  Reply
Very good article
Profile of Sanjana Gupta
Sanjana Gupta  •  5y  •  Reply
Well jotted down! Check my articles too.
Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  5y  •  Reply
Well researched.