I was never perfect as a person… But, if I come to define myself, I would describe me as the one who strongly believes in true relations…
A person, be it, anyone, always has to risk upon the relations he carries… Relations make us more perfect, flawless, much more sublime and carry us towards happiness…
It was just a bit I knew about relationships…
The positive aspect had conquered the entire space of my mind… And, I never knew that there exist some negative aspects too… Anyways, describing relations isn’t the topic here.
So, so, my best friend’s birthday was very near. I had a thought to do something out of the box for her, something which she would like, and obviously, something which could make our bond an extra healthier…
As per our misunderstandings, which we already had faced in the past; considering this never left me in a detrimental mood… It was just because of the excitement which overpowered.
As an individual step won’t cover an extended path, similarly a single thought will not make an entire pathway in the mind. Therefore, to make a deep physical path, we need to walk again and again upon the very path we need to explore. Similarly, to make a deep mental path, we must think over and over, the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate.
This was the present state of my mind. I knew the more I would think and plan the things, the better results I would attain.
My mind was full of thousands of ideas…The new ones popped up in my head and lead me to utter confusion…
Hence, I tried to calm myself down and get to work… I only had four more days left…
I quickly started neglecting some unpleasant ideas. During this process, I found my sister loitering around.
“Di, what confusions are you dealing with?”
“Can I please have a chance to help you?”, she questioned mockingly.
I spoke in a low tone, “What can I gift my bestie on her birthday this year? I have no estimate of how to come up through this either…”
Then we both started conversing over,
My Sister- “A gift, a gift, a gift”
Me- “Ohkay! So this is so dumb of you."
My Sister- “Go, make a handmade card for your best friend, make her feel special, tell her that you are her best mate, give out all your efforts, and make out a special birthday card for her”
My sister replied and left the place, considering herself the Lord of all my Sorrows.
But, as she left, these very lines of her left me into deep thought and finally reaching to a conclusion, I decided to make a birthday card, a greeting, a very very special gift for my best friend…