Cannabis is a valuable flowering plant which has been known from ancient times. It is basically a psychoactive drug, which has shown miracles in the medical field. The herb Cannabis belongs to the Cannabaceae family and is scientifically categorized as Hemp & Marijuana.

Hemp is commonly known as Cash Crop and lacks in concentration of certain important chemicals which are Hallucinogenic and Psychotropic respectively. Hence, it is basically used for its fibrous contents since the Second World War period. It was used for the manufacture of uniforms of soldiers, ropes, etc. Nowadays, it is mostly used in hair products, nutritional products, for the manufacture of paper and building material, etc. It grows very rapidly and can be used as environment saver. It is used for the manufacture of biodegradable plastics and fuels. Hemp Oil, Hemp Milk, Hemp Protein Shakes, etc. are some common merchandise in the international marketplace.

Cannabis is mostly referred to as Plant of GOD. This plant has been known since ancient times, but due to inconsistent knowledge, it was regarded as an intoxicating drug. It was even banned in various countries. Present day researches have proved it as a miraculous drug in medical as well as recreational fields. It is a divine plant from which Marijuana is obtained.

Marijuana has diverse benefits. It helps people to perpetuate their slim figures by loss of extra fat. It regulates and prevents the human system from Diabetes. It can be used as an anti-depressant and as an anti-addictive. It can be used as a drug is much safer than alcohol. Researches show that it has no adverse effects on human lungs, like alcohol and other drugs. It can act as wonders in the demon diseases like cancer, HIV-AIDS, Autism, etc. On the advice of experts, though Cannabis shows promising results in the case of these devilish diseases but much more is to be researched and known. The world is widely being affected by the evil spirits of cancer; Marijuana has shown various results in curing cancers like breast, skin, brain and various others. It breaks the evolution of the tumor and harmful cancerous cells, thereby preventing the disease. Autism is also one of the dangerous diseases, which is spreading at a high pace throughout the world. The worst cases of autism have been better due to the use of this special plant Cannabis.

Cannabis has assisted in recovering various symptoms of HIV-AIDS like nausea, depression, etc. The disease known as peripheral neuropathy (a disorder of the nerves) makes the patients have rare sensations or severe ache in the affected spaces. Cannabis has aided to condense these symptoms to a much longer extant. It also has many beneficial effects to human. It is the most divine of all medicines known. The use of Cannabis benefits you have a good sound sleep, boost up your energy, to turn out to be a more creative being and serve actively during working hours. It also helps in keeping your pets healthy. It is helpful in protecting the human brain, increasing the IQ level and improving memory strength.

It is known as Gods plant because it serves benefits by all means. Also, it has divine fragments to attend the mankind well. It has shown magnificent results in medical fields and helped folks live and relish their lives longer and safer. It is also an environment friendly herb. It helps fight changing climatic conditions and can be used for protecting the environment by producing perishable plastics and fuels. It has a helpful hand in providing many jobs. Researches are continuously going on this miraculous weed and hence serve as a basic source of employment.



Profile of Lekha Sri
Lekha Sri  •  5y  •  Reply
Fact!......view mine too.
Profile of Abhishek Tyagi
Abhishek Tyagi  •  5y  •  Reply
Well rather it is the destroyer of life compelety disagree , the plants use for scientific purposes are different so do not try to advocate for that
Profile of Zeenat Khan
Zeenat Khan  •  5y  •  Reply
Good article please do check my articles
Profile of Kapil Asthana
Kapil Asthana  •  5y  •  Reply
nyc information