Importance Of Your Mental Health Be You!

Anushka Srinet
Jan 07, 2019   •  105 views

Inner peace begins the moment you choose not to allow another person or event to control your emotions (Pema Chordron).

Mental health or psychological well-being is the condition of any individual. No doubt there are days which are hectics, full of anxiety,uneasiness, tired up, sometime situations drain you emotionally but there's nothing to feel bad or discouraged about that. Every individual on this earth faces the same. But the only point that matters and makes a change is how efficiently you manage to grow and evolve out of that. These are the perfect timings to show off yourself. To bring a change in the society, to be an influencer. All you need for this is a proper management need to be more organised with your stuff to deal with situatuons that put you into troublesome mental health. There are several ways through which you can go for “SELF CARE”.

Learn to let go !
Which means control only what you can. Everything else just leave it the way they are. Don't get worked up over the things you can't change, people you can't chnage. It's not worth the anger build up or the headache. Just as good relationships keeps you happy the same way toxic relationship can end up soaring your life. So don't think twice before ending those relations . It could really help you all along.

Balanced Lifestyle
HEY! WARRIOR. Learn to achieve a balanced psychological well-being. And that is attained by being neutral to all the situations. Don't expect. I REPEAT DON’T! beacuse it affects that balance. State of balance is affected by both challenging and rewarding life events. It's simple don't be on cloud seven when you have achieved something and don't getinto deppression when you're unable to achieve. May be it's not for you or try it with some other ways.

Key notes for self care:-

1.Work Out
Beacuse it keeps our physical health in an order. And helps your brain towork actively.

2.Read Something
Reading good books or novels are the best way to escape from an unhealthy environment. Books treat you quite well. Motivational and inspiring books have never been behind in improoving an individual's life. There are several books that guide you how to live life like a pro. And trust me it does improove. There are prooved studies for this.

3.Talk to a friend
Talking to a friend or best friend is the best psycho therapy ever. As you are comfortable with them and you can discuss the most of the problems. May be you won't get solutions sometimes but for surely you'll feel comfortable protected and supported as well.

MEDITATION ! Since ancient times it has been the key to all mental problems. And it has the best results. You can chant few mantras like- om;

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Ram Hare Ram, Ram Ram Hare Hare etc .
There are manymantras and can help you to achieve a stable and organised mind.

5.Have a good food
Having a food that tastes good is also the best therapy to overcome your anxiety or sadness or whenever you feel low. Beacuse food increases your metabolism rate and that simultaneously helps you to take your mind off from all the negative issues.

6.Try something new
Try something new everyday wheather it is about cooking new dishes and be pro at that. Or it's about discovering something new on internet. Or try to write some articles on the topics you are passionate about. Just engage yourself.

The idea is that the more often you practise the self-care ideas on mental health days, the more likely you are to achieve higher functioning days.




Profile of Nobody's No One
Nobody's No One  •  4y  •  Reply
Nice:) Hope you check my articles too