''Keep your face to the sunshine
and you cannot see a shadow''
-by Helen Keller
Our mind is so powerfull that it lead us to positive or negative path of life. Positive thinking is a mental and emotional attitude that focuses on the bright side of our life. Positive thinking gives us positive attitude and positive attitude gives direction in our life. This formula of positive thinking expects positive results in every circumstances. A positive person always attracts happiness, health, success, and believe that he or she can overcome any obstecales and difficulty. Positive thinking is not accepted by everyone because some consider it as nonesense or waste of time for people who follow it. But there are some people who find positive thinking fact effective in their life. Awareness of this concept through books, lectures, and courses leads to follow the path of positive thinking in their life for positive and healthy life style.
with this attitude we experience pleasent, exciting, and happy feelings. It increase life span and it decrease rates of depression, anxiety,and stress. Our positive attitude determines us to success.
Our life is a battle in which we need to fight fearlessly. Fight with positive attitude and confidence with determination and concentrated effort lead to the surest path of success and help us to win the fight.
''You can, you shouldand if you're brave enough to start , you will.''
These are some line by Stephen king shows us how positive thinking gives us confidence that help us to achieve success, Attitude that help us to live our life. Our attitude, confidence, experience etc. are treasure in a box of positive thinking.
Postive thinkng is like sun rays which spreads light of positivity in our life. And help us to start our days with cool, calm, and happy behaviour. And it boost us to tackle difficulties. Our thoughts are controlled by ourselves only.
And if you want to be positive so you should do few things :
Think positive
Be kind to all people
Be cool and calm always
Keep smiling
Spread happiness
Stay calm in difficults situarions
Spread positive vibes
Avoid negative vibes
Don't stuck in a negative circle of life. Be open to experience with positive attitude. And this positive attitude attracts all the positive things.
According to the law of attraction our positive thinking always attracts the power of healing our mind, health, etc. and attracts all those things in your life which you want to achieve.
" A positive thinker sees the invesible,
feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible."
-by Winston Churchil