Engineering Lelo Beta Bahot Scope Hai

Apr 29, 2019   •  9 views

“engineering lelo beta bahot scope hai”

is probably the strongest advice and argument given by any typical Indian parents and relatives to their loved one who are soon going to enter in their higher studies. But with ever increasing memes on engineering and pathetic situation of engineers we have started doubting the most powerful phase , does it really do have a scope?Well a clear one word answer to this question is YES, it still do have vast scope but only when we complete it in the right sense and motive. Maybe many of you may disagree with my opinion but please answer my few questions first. Are we really doing engineering by our heart? Are we really studying and understanding engineering or just cramming up our syllabus to get good marks? Are we learning anything new apart from our syllabus? If any of the above questions answer is no then my friend the fault is within us not with the engineering. It’s we who have degraded the value of engineering and not someone else. Engineering still hold its prestigious position, only we have degraded down our level.Everytime we face any problem or rough phase we simply start blaming our college, our university our decision to chose engineering. But have we ever given a second thought on that "about blaming others rather than introspecting ourself?". Today we are not going behind knowledge we are just running after cramming to pass with flying colors and get a paper stating our first division. Now tell my friends how one can get employment when one doesn’t have any technical knowledge and skills. Engineering is not just a technical study of subjects, it is much much more beyond that. it is a Bible to a new way of living. It teaches you a whole new perspective towards way of living your life. It teaches how to quench your thirst for knowledge whilst gaining practical knowledge at the same time. It is all about to how handle pressure, doing multitasks and completing maximum shows in minimum time possible ;). It also shows how to judge true character of people, their true potential and much more. Engineering should not be limited to just a sheet of paper and getting a white collar job with it. It’s much more beyond than that and that is what you must really aim for because those four years of life are something which can teach you something which one can’t learn in entire life and that is the beauty of engineering and that is it’s true scope and potential. And yeah "Engineering is not the root of your problems, rather it is your most useful assest to live your life in your own way".

Last but not the least

