Just like the heading of this peace of work, I'm a strange person. Hypocrite won't be a good word to say, I'd rather call myself a paradox.
Talking of the spirituality, I'm a devotee of something which I know exists, but no one has ever had a rendezvous with its physical form. Don't take me wrong with this statement. No, I'm not talking about God; I'm talking about the power whose one part resides in me, the other is somewhere out there both trying to coordinate with the symphony that my brain creates, and numerous thoughts in my sub conscious mind that I try to ignore.
Do you believe in coincidences? You think about a person who is not even in your contact list and suddenly you meet him the next day? You see strangers in your dreams and after a matter of time you actually see them and start thinking have they met before? And intutions, your inner self warning you not to go there or not to do that and yet you do it and something bad happens. You think these things are mere coincidences? Or the Gods trying to play some magic tricks to impress you?
What do you think that about people who can predict future or claim to predict what's gonna happen next?
Some says he's God or some messenger of thy,
Some just ignore them thinking they're trying to fool you.
Leonardo da Vinci sketched a helicopter at the era when the even wheels were not even invented! Was he a God? Or he was just ridiculously convincing his mind,fighting against something that was next to impossible? Would you have believed him if you were put in the same era, or would you just have appreciated the peace of his work as art?
Or maybe you would have found those lines and measurements senseless thinking he's a paranoid?
To be continued...