Tom And Jerry, What A Merry!

May 22, 2019   •  31 views

Growing up, summer vacations were truly magical times. While the entire day was spent playing and rolling around the dirt with friends, afternoons and evenings were reserved for glorious times in front of the t.v. And if you were little and watched the television frequently, there's no way you wouldn't have heard of Tom and Jerry!

Tom and Jerry is centred around the iconic pair of Tom (also sometimes called 'Thomas") the cat and Jerry the little mouse and their adventures in chasing each other, and subsequently destroying everything around. As a duty of the house cat to keep rodents away, Tom devises various plans and methods to rid off Jerry and executes them with the most devilish look on his face. Jerry too leaves no stone unturned in self-defence and counter-attack.

This marvellous pair of unlikely friends show great rapport however when they encounter a common enemy. They pair up and work towards achieving a common goal: destroying the disturber and once this is done, they go back to chasing each other to their heart's content.

Tom the cat, is a grey and white short-haired domestic cat who leads mostly a comfortable life. He lives care-free and is seldom troubled by worries, all except one; the existence of the mouse. In the easy-going life of a loved pet, Jerry seems to be the only obstruction for the attainment of peace. Tom adapts various methods, mostly violent, like using chemicals, heavy metal anvils, explosives and weapons of all sorts to rid Jerry only to fail at the end of each episode. There are however episodes that end with Tom being triumphant.

Jerry the mouse, is a little rodent that also lives in the house in close proximity to Tom. The very life goal of the mouse is to aggravate and wreck the cat's peace of mind. Although unlike Tom, Jerry is quite clever and gets off with destroying both Tom and the house with sheer craftiness and luck. The mouse is a mischievous brat, but it often comes to the rescue of the other farm animals like the duck, bird, seal and even an elephant in times of need.

Although it's difficult to pick sides between the two, we can all agree that each one in this famous duo is incomplete without the other as they complement each other's personalities and end up promoting humour.

The episodes are supported by complementary music playing in the background that strongly add on to the comedy factor. Great pieces of artistry, they are timed perfectly to crack us up. The artwork too is simply marvellous and draws the attention of the viewer to the story.

The story line makes twists and turns and often leaves the viewers rolling on the floor with laughter. The show has plenty of scenarios that don't even make the slightest sense, yet it is so ridiculous that it even makes adults laugh. Tom driving vehicles, Jerry lifting objects way above its capacity, the show is filled with jargons that defy the very laws of science!

The Tom and Jerry television series is and has been winning the hearts of the people with its childish and silly humour over the ages. It is a show that is suitable for all ages because humour has no boundaries. So, if you feel down and are having a hard day, Tom and Jerry will cheer you right up!



Profile of Aninditha
Aninditha  •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you Himanshu!
Profile of Kumar Himanshu
Kumar Himanshu  •  4y  •  Reply
I only opened this article because of the title 😂😂😂 nicely written btw !