In this golden era of lazy busy life, we all are chasing a target. Always heading ahead to achieve something. Now when we don't have time to even look at ourselves properly, I thought to talk about Carpe Diem and its importance.
Seize the day, put very little trust in tomorrow.
What is Carpe Diem?
Carpe Diem is a Latin term and it basically means pluck the day. That means seize the day, live every moment as better as possible. Don't just rely on future. It's not fair to consider that everything will fall in place in the future.
Why plucking the day is important?
"When was the last time you did something exciting, amazing and out-of-box for the first time in your life?" THINK!!!
You know what, a child is made to learn, study, work and is constantly pressurized to keep on doing so until he becomes "stable" or starts to earn a livelihood.
A young man struggles day and night to meet the business needs, to make a profit and continue to meet the timelines and deadlines.
In his elderliness, he is made to sit and think about how many moments did he actually live? What do you think? How would he answer that question?
He may say that he has met and known many people while working, maybe business relations, but did he know himself? In his past so many years of life, which he dedicated absolutely to satisfy his materialist needs, he missed the opportunities to build his relationship with himself. He forgot to listen to himself, he suppressed the voice of the innocent and joyful child inside him. He might have worked days and nights but what about that sunrises and sunsets that demanded his presence.
That's when Carpe Diem takes its importance. It's recommended to live every moment of our life. We should live our life on our terms. Life is too short to procrastinate, so do it now. And you see, this beautiful cycle of sunrise and sunset is designed to give us the message that with sunrise begins the golden day, full of energy and positive human aura of every individual. These twenty-four hours are given to you not only to run, chase and achieve but also to live, enjoy and experience. "Work should a part of your life, not your life." Life is a beautiful feeling, take the proper feel.
According to Viktor Franki "Between stimulus and response there is a space .In that space is our power to choose our response . In our response lies our growth and our freedom. "