You might have heard about this concept multiple times, you might also have vague idea about this theory. Today in this blog, we are going to talk about what exactly, ‘The Bermuda Triangle’ means, its location, myths, and facts related to it.

What is The Bermuda Triangle?

The Bermuda triangle is a region located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. The Bermuda Triangle is said to have some supernatural phenomena or some mystery around it, which have caused the disappearance of aircraft and ships passing through. Vincent Gaddis developed the concept of the Bermuda triangle in 1924. According to some Google reports, more than 50 ships and 20 airplanes are said to be disappeared around this region on the Atlantic Ocean. The lost ships and aircraft just vanish and most of them have never been found. The Bermuda Triangle is also called “Devil’s Triangle”

The image given above will help you to understand the exact location of the Bermuda triangle and also why it is called the Bermuda triangle. Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda Island, all these three regions make a triangle and within this triangle, various ships and aircraft have been disappeared.

According to some scholars, William Shakespeare play “The Tempest” is considered to be based on real-life Bermuda shipwreck. This enhances the mystery around the Bermuda triangle. The Bermuda triangle theory did not come to public attention until an infamous tragedy. A cargo ship, which had 300 men and 10,000 tons of manganese, sank in this region. The reason for this disappearance remains a mystery. Many also link this theory with something to do with Aliens. Many scientific theories give reasons such as waterspouts, anomalies or huge eruption of methane gas from the ocean floor for mystical disappearance of aircraft and ships. However, no theory until today actually solves the mystery behind the Bermuda triangle. Surely it is the greatest mystery of all time. There is a movie based on this theory called “The Bermuda Triangle” which was released in 1978.

Critics on this concept claims that most of the events and theories wrote by Gaddis and other authors like him have over exaggerated the incidents of disappearance. Most reputable sources dismiss the idea since the area is considered to be the most heavily traveled shipping lanes in the world. Also private and commercial aircraft frequently passes through this area. Such incidents happen all around the world frequently and the Bermuda triangle is just hyped up term. However, as I said before there is no evidence or fact that back up any claims. The Bermuda triangle remains the greatest unsolved mystery in the world.

If you have any additional information regarding Bermuda triangle let me know in the comment section below.

