"Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable" -Banksy
Banksy is the most controversial and masked street artist in the world. He is unknown even after 20 years. His artworks are powerful, strong and are a message for the society.
Banksy has been engaged with graffiti since the last 29 years, he is inspired by the works of Blek Le Rat. His works are rather satirical and involves politics, war, capitalism, hypocrisy, greed and philosophy.Other street artists are inspired by the works of Banksy so much that they even wait for his next works.
This inpiration and fascination of the street artists is also known as the‘Banksy Effect”.
His artworks conveys deep message and I would like to discuss some of his works.
Some of his famous artworks and their meanings are:
Image source:Shutterstock
The artwork “Crayon Boy” or “Crayon Shooter” is based upon the theme war. The artwork consists of a black and white soldier boy carrying a rifle whose bullets are made of colourful crayons. The child and the gun are very detailed and the bullets or crayons are shown by different colors, they are drawn in a very childish way. The graffiti shows a very important message that how the child can let his voice be heard through his own way which is suitable for his age. Banksy uses dark comedy in his artworks and the message is very deep and philosophical.
Image Source:Wikipedia
The Son of a migrant from Syria in the Calais Jungle depicts the picture of Steve Jobs. He is standing in the picture with a sack in one hand which depicts he is a migrant, which he is as he is the son of a Syrian Migrant and in the other hand a Mac, which depicts one of the biggest companies. We often assume that migration is not good for a country as it adds to the population, resources are wasted and the results are not good. But Jobs proved this wrong. Banksy through this work of his, is conveying a very strong message for the people who view the migrants as a waste.
Probably the most famous painting everyone has been talking out, because it was shredded the day it was auctioned for a whopping $1.37 million in London. The painting is a very simple piece with a girl reaching out for a heart shaped balloon. It conveys that there is still hope in the world and Banksy reworked it in March 2014 for the Syrian refugees.
During the auction the painting was shredded with a hidden mechanism installed by Banksy himself. After it was shredded, the painting was renamed as “Love is in the Bin”.
Image Source:CNN.com
In this world of technology, we have no time for anything else except for sticking to our phones. Banksy, in this picture reveals how love is forgotten and lovers are glued to their cellphones instead of embracing the beauty of love. This street art shows two people hugging each other but behind their backs they are checking on their phones. How these small digital devices have taken into our world that we don’t even have time for our loved ones. Banksy must hope that people will start giving value to their loved ones more than their phones but that’s a tough call.
Image Source: medium.com
Banksy is the legend and the reality. He tries to show the reality through his paintings which is so hard for we humans to understand. He pinches the society hard with his artworks. His messages are full of hope, hope that is still on the waiting list. We are the kind with utmost amount of love in our hearts but still unable to express it. His works are the messages to spread peace and love in the most simple ways.
The greatest crimes in the world are not committed by people breaking the rules but by people following the rules. It's people who follow orders that drop bombs and massacre villages. - Banksy
Thumbnail Image Source:colossal.com