Music Can Change The World Because It Can Change The People

Akash Pratap Singh
Apr 08, 2019   •  5 views

When music "speaks" our emotions "listen" this line defines the power of music. Music affects on our both physical and intellectual level. The effects of the elements of music upon our brain will be addressed. Our reactions to music can vary because of our different emotional makeup and cultural backgrounds. The entire universe is vibration; those vibrations that we `hear’ are sounds. "Every sound has a physical effect upon your body. The sound is very important. With the help of sound, we can easily identify a person, object, etc. It is the physical part of the spiritual". During any day there are many sounds, but all sounds, of course, are not music.

There are three types of typical noise. All three types of noise can be translated into musical tones. The first type is white noise, considered the most restful - such as waterfalls, the ocean, or other nature sounds. However, white noise when written in musical notation using a random process in the computer is perceived as being too random. The third type of noise is Brownian motion or a random walk. Brownian music is perceived to be too correlated. And sometimes these tones help us to relieve stress and make our mood better.

The most interesting type of noise is the second or intermediate type of noise. This type of noise has remained a mystery after more than 60 years of investigation. It is called 1/f noise where f stands for the frequency of vibration and represents a very easily found fluctuation in nature. For example, it is found in many physical systems like vacuum tubes and semiconducting devices; in all time standards from the most accurate atomic clocks and quartz oscillators to the ancient hour-glass; in ocean flows and the changes in yearly flood levels of the river Nile as recorded by the ancient Egyptians; and in the small voltages measurable across nerve membranes.

And we know that music helps to memorize the subject and may help to learn a new ability. The foundation of modern science is mathematics. Yet we do not know why mathematics can map the physical world so accurately. Ramanujan never trained and with limited education, is recognized today as one of the greatest mathematicians. He discovered formulas and theories with not a hint of where they came from. Mozart was a musician who could “intuit” his music, writing a whole symphony in just a few days. Music is the mind’s direct connection to the vibrations of the Source since the whole universe is made up of vibrations.

Enhancing the Healing Pattern of Music
For the person being healed
Music can be enhanced for the person being healed in the following ways:
(1) The person needing to be healed can use the power of their own inner music, i.e., their own natural voice, intoning, singing, and chanting. The human voice is the most expressive instrument, surpassing any one of the instruments in the orchestra.

(2) The whole body can be used by the person being healed. Exercise or dance movements can be done with music. This was done to help myself heal from the disease of hyperthyroidism.

(3) Adding frequencies back into the body or voice is a new technique. They do spectral analysis on a person’s voice to determine which frequencies that person might need. By using certain specific musical tones, you can replace the missing frequencies in your voice!

(4) Besides the use of the voice and body, there are group effects that can enhance the healing power of music for the person being healed. Groups have non-local linkages. For example, a jazz combo playing together—they know if they do it right; they’ve done something well, and it’s exciting.

In conclusion, music is a “carrier wave” for healing thoughts, emotions, and intentions. It’s important that the healer thinks no negative thoughts but instead has a positive attitude with the intention to heal.

