Have you ever had conversation with your garden plants?!!! We might have come across people, who talk with plants and trees considering them as their friend or pet. But, have you seen plants replying or answering in return???

Plants do respond. They can express their feelings like humans. They can feel pain and sorrow. They can express happiness. And more surprisingly, they can identify whether a person speaks truth or not.

Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose, most prominent Indian scientist, was the first one to prove that plants to have life and can respond to external stimuli. He also invented an instrument called crescograph, which is capable of recording and observing plant’s minute responses to external stimulants.

Experiment 1

In one of his experimental research, he took a garden under observation. He ordered a person to enter the garden and water the plants and to speak few words politely with them. Secondly, he ordered a person to enter the garden and behave violently. As per the order, the second person pulled out the little plants, cut the leaves, broke the branches and crushed the flowers. After few days, he ordered the same persons to visit the garden again. When the first person entered the garden, the plants seemed rejoicing with glee and happiness. But, when the second person entered the garden, the plants were frightened and filled with anxiety. All these were recorded in the crescograph.

Experiment 2

There is another interesting experimental research done by a German scientist. He planted a thorny plant in his garden and spoke to it. “From now, we are friends. I will protect you and save you from danger. So you do not need your thorns any more”-daily he spoke these lines to that thorny plant. Slowly the plant started growing without thorns!!! Isn’t that amazing? A thorny plant grew without thorns as the reward of love. Scientist’s affection for the plant broke the rules of nature.

Researchers have also proved that plants grew well hearing soft music. They observed a plant which grew normally and a plant that grew hearing music. The plant that grew hearing soft music was able to produce more blossoms and fruits than the plant that grew normally.

Plants normally grew well, where the surroundings have positive vibration. Our affectionate words can make a tomato plant to produce pumpkin sized tomato and make a rose plant to grow without thorns!!

Instead of having the same boredom coffee time with news paper, have coffee with your garden plants. Speak to them. Share your depression and happiness with them. Nurture them as well. Become nature’s best friend. They will stay with you forever.



Profile of Aishwarya Lakshmi S
Aishwarya Lakshmi S  •  4y  •  Reply
thank you venkatesh
Profile of Aishwarya Lakshmi S
Aishwarya Lakshmi S  •  4y  •  Reply
thank you harrini
Profile of Yoga Venkatesh
Yoga Venkatesh  •  4y  •  Reply
Profile of Harrini Vellai
Harrini Vellai  •  4y  •  Reply
great article ....