I'm a hued soul. A traveller admiring colours of the world. A traveller observing the reality of them hues. Today, stepping on to this piece of hued heaven, I come to realize what a blessing hues are not only for your sight but also for your soul.
These tulips of infinite colours make me see life through infinite hued lenses, each of these being equally beautiful & soothing to my tired eyes. It seems to me that nature is protecting these hued tulips since these lie in the lap of scenic beauty of mountains. Ah, nature is richly colourful. As I stop by to let my eyes dance with the rhythm of these hues, I found my eyes painting pictures of peace with the ink of white tulips, and love with the ink of red tulips.
The cluster of these tulips creating pictures worth framing till eternity reminds me of the fact that being alike or different doesn't matter as long as your soul allows others to bloom in the aura of mercy. There, a blend of colours in a tulip, how beautiful a sight that is.Just like different characters of a person moulding his beauty.
This garden, is it a cluster of tulips or a cluster of books based on teachings of life, I wonder. As the breeze caresses my face, the tulips dance so peacefully as if humming the lyrics of the most joyous song. They feel beautiful, they create beauty, they are greatful, they make others feel greatful.
This is nature - teaching us to be the best colourful version of ourself. As the sunset comes to have a brief chat, I see tulips reflecting their hidden shades. I see them exposing themselves to darkness. As if a part of light scared them. They don't cease to bloom but yes, they reflect the beauty of their soul without being afraid of anything. Heaven, a piece of it, this place is.