This has become a very glamorous topic to discuss, every other person is coming up with their own definition of Alpha and their way of conduct in the world. But these are a sort of superficial definitions which hardly connects deep with the topic.

Why do we come up with these terms Alpha and Beta or Sigma; we are trying to categorise behaviour of men in different segments and then label it as good or bad. What we get wrong in this interpretation is that there is a spectrum of traits and every male is Alpha and Beta and Sigma and so on.

Why do we particularly focus on Alpha if there is no line between? Alpha in animal terminology refers to the best male in a wolf pack or shrewdness of apes who is the strongest, get most of the mates and is a protector and the leader of the group, we humans have much evolved and no longer have to go to fights to get food and shelter. Our sense of purpose is very different from what it used to be.

We now view success in terms of wealth, our network, quality of our relationships,job positions so what’s alpha in this environment?

As this has subjective meaning to it which is changing with time; in a modern day scenario Alpha is equivalent to having a sense of Purpose in Life and taking actions towards them.

Alpha Male is not how big chest you have, or the way you walk or how many girls are around you, its neither how dominant you are, its not about how Masculine you are or your T-Levels but rather it’s about what’s the mission you are heading towards, what are you doing to improve your life as well as the lives of others. What value you are adding to the world.

When you have something to work for in your life and your life makes sense, when you are excited in the morning to get up and create the life you desire. You are an ALPHA MALE.

Vishal Jain

