7 Legit Ways To Make Money From Home

May 25, 2019   •  86 views

Everyone wants to earn money. I mean that has the ultimate goal nowadays, right? And even if it isn’t your ultimate goal, who doesn’t like some extra cash? And as a student, with fixed pocket money, I would do anything to get my hands on those crispy leaves everyone wants to own.

But how? How is it possible to do so while you are busy with school or college or completing your education?

Well, thank me later for this, for today I am going to be suggesting you quite a few ways through which you can earn money in no time. And that too, at home! Yes, it is possible. Even for all those lazy butts out there, like me, who would rather sit at home even when it comes to working.

So, no further talking and let’s get right into it!

1) Start your own blog

Is writing your thing? This one’s for you then. Start a blog right away. Write something you are passionate about. Be it yoga, cooking, life hacks, fashion, social media, etcetera, etcetera. I’ve seen many people earn a 6 figure by blogging. It is not too difficult to do it. It might take a little time but you’ll get there if you are ready to hustle for it! Don’t know how to start a blog? Worry not because there are plenty of YouTube videos as well as blog posts on how to do so!

2) Do an Internship

Yes, you heard it right! Work from home as an intern and earn hard cash every month. I have tried this one myself and take my word for it that it works. And the plus point of this? Some company provides you a letter of recommendation along with real job offers sometimes. Now the question arises where to find a job that you would be suitable for? You can look for them on Internshala. They have plenty of options for almost every field.

3) Walk & Earn people

Yep, it’s true. Walking can now make you healthy as well as wealthy. If you are someone who has to walk a lot in day, make good use of it. There are many apps available that pay you for it. StepSetGo, StepBet are just two of the many that I have tried. So, do your research pals. Make walking fun and e(ar)njoybale, pun intented.

4) Take up online surveys

Are you an opinionatedperson? Well, then don’t let your opinions go down the drain. Let them flow into your bank account. There are numerous sites that pay for answering a few questions. It is really the easiest of all and don’t worry, it is legit. Some sites may ask you to sign up. Although many of them are safe but still be safe about it. You can try Google Rewards for starters.

5) Sell stuff on eBay

Got stuff that you don’t use anymore but you still can’t seem to get rid of it? Sell them. Kill two birds by one stone. Earn money and declutter yourself. And it doesn’t just end to this, you can sell things at your own price.

6) Review books

Are you a bibliophile? Are books your best friend? So, why not be business partners with them too? There are sites that rewards you for reviewing books. And the best part, sometimes the books you have to give a review about are provided by them only. They also reward you in books instead of cash, sometimes. What else do you need then? I mean, as a book lover, you know you are going to spend that money on books anyway.

7) Sell your photos online

Are you good at taking photos? Well, then why don’t you showcase your work by selling photos. Photography companies are always looking for new stuff. Give it to them. Sell your photos and earn money. Some of the sites are ShutterStock, EyeEm, etc. They are legit and completely safe.

8) Start a YouTube channel

I think this is probably one of the trendiest way to earn money nowadays. I mean if you consider yourself creative and have got content ideas, then why not show it to the world? Just like blogging, it’ll take some time but it’ll be worth it in the end.

So, this is the list of all the stuff that I have curated. There are several other ways to make money from home. Do your research people because you know what they say, “you gotta hustle to make a dollar” or in my case, a rupee.

Until next time,



Profile of Moha Walavalkar
Moha Walavalkar  •  5y  •  Reply
Please please tell me some websites where I will get paid for reviewing books!
Profile of Sinduja Shankar
Sinduja Shankar  •  5y  •  Reply
Good guidance!!
Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  5y  •  Reply
hey you write very well.keep it up.please check my account and like my wrytups
Profile of Nancy Henry
Nancy Henry  •  5y  •  Reply
Awesome ideas.....can check out mine too
Profile of Dear Diary
Dear Diary  •  5y  •  Reply
Hey you wrote well .....check out my articles too.....