Self Love Is The Key To Happiness

Adita Raj
May 30, 2019   •  17 views

"Can I tell you a secret" ? You don't have to be in a relationships to be happy. I know the world has been solving it down your throats that you are accepted and loved only if you dating ., kissing someone and doing pictures for couple goals.

Here you are swiping right left up and down between pretentious profiles. All your friends are so happy and you keep wondering what's wrong with you?

Sometimes this loneliness and being single consumes you and you start questioning why are you still single?And if you are going to die alone? You question your existence because the idea of soulmates has been inherited in your DNA and so has the idea of sharing your life with someone.And on days when you see couples kissing in and alleyways buying flowers and laughing you feel left out.

On Friday morning you wake up cold side of bed and wish you had someone to wake up next to and on Monday mornings you want someone to share your pizza.

When I was seven, my maths teacher taught me that I am a whole number, that I don't need a half. I am already whole. When people call someone one their halves they are so wrong.

We aren't put here to look for your halves. We are here to live and gather memories and experiences..somewhere along the way we will find someone to share them and we will realise that this is the person I want to share my story with. And you love them and create a life. But you are two whole people,not halves fitting into lost puzzle boards. You give on love some days. You think you are unlovable. That your nose is too crooked on your appearance to shabby.

Here is the thing, love will find you on a warm summer afternoon in a grocery store aisle when you are buying cotton candy flavoured icecreams. And love will ask if you can share with you. And you will shake icecreams, stories and moments and they will say "hello" which will sound like " I miss you ", through you have just met and love will ask you ^ where were you all my life? ^ you will tell them that you were in love with the world its creations, the flowers ,sunsets and rosesand KFC chickens buckets and you have gathered so much and it's about time you both have conversations on why being single moulded you into accepting that you are never too unlovable, you were just happy with who you were and somewhere along the way you are so proud of having this conversation.

